This site is dedicated to Evan.

This innocent little boy is a victim. Evan is rare not just by disease, but that Evan is alive and the first victim to survive this treatment, and we tell you how they did this. This is a story about Collusion within Kaiser & our Law makers.




            INTRODUCTION: THIS SITE IS BEING CONSTRUCTED (coming > Spanish version)

From the Readers:“, Thanks for the KKK site. Important for every parent, grand parent, aunt uncle, anyone with kids in their care to read. Not an easy read, but life saving.

From our Readers: “People were created to be loved. Things were made to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because, things are being loved and people are being used.”


This story is real, documented with “Kaiser court testimony”, this is about HOW they tried to kill a 3 month old Baby

You can view horrible collusion with the justice system, courts, judges, Atty. Gen., medical board, political hacks, and so many more ! it’s right here in “DOCUMENTED” proof


 See how Kaiser employees (3) walked away from Perjury, breaking HIPAA laws, Destroying Medical records!, Wire Fraud, Serious Civil Rights breeches


A complete breakdown in ethics and morality – for money and to protect a Western Killing field

The website name is on purpose, Just remember “KKK” when you tell your friends to read it – “KKK” is easy to remember, it falls right in line with the practices of injustice and these monsters, and know this, This “KKK” is way bigger than the “KKK” falsely exploited in the news

Kaiser destroyed our infant boy with drugs, yet he is alive 16 years after the Kaiser prognosis of death at 6 months old, so they found more profit in a 19 month long hospice on your dime because he would not die. Kaiser tortured Evan, and he suffers greatly even today



 Justice: the so many that died to protect & protect You & Yours has no meaning



(next in the CRIME page)


   It is right here for you to read, and Know this, IF THESE PAGES WERE NOT TRUE, YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO READ THEM!, despite the Cease & Desists (Hopeless Intimidation) this site will always exist as they are afraid to take me to open court and EXPOSE their crimes in public, it exposes a spiderweb of filth. Is there Defamation in this site? No, only truth



If you believe in Heaven and Hell, this IS why Hell exists – and is eternally full. The “Collusionists” as I call them, don’t see a God, they see themselves as Gods. You cannot KILL a God, yet “they” will be dropping like flies…


 Here is your first glimpse of what occurred in court by THE WORLDWIDE LEADING Expert in Metabolic & Mitochondrial disease, my Court expert & author of “The Atlas of Metabolic Conditions”. Referred to as The Godfather of Metabolic’s


  FIRST: Most think IF a Kaiser doctor kills You or your loved one, you can sue them (and you should), BUT  YOU  CANNOT !  Your legislature, lawyers, and even our dirtbag Atty. Gen Xavier “Basura” Becerra has made sure you cannot touch them. Jerry Brown’s  “MICRA” has put an end to harming this Fast-Food Medical giant Kaiser with a CAP that exceeds the actual expenses YOU need to bring a case to court.

Today, just a year after the Atty. Gen. ignored the Felonies in our case, “Basura” is the head of Human Health Services (2021) Perfect man to continue his Crimes

  My case was over $300K in costs, and California CAP/MICRA was $250K. This eliminates most cases for ANY lawyer to take your case especially if the victim is DEAD. If the claimant is alive (as in our case) you can sue for “Lifetime Care” (something We desperately need) you still have less than a chance finding ice-cream in Hell  

You will NEVER get an open-court trial even if you do have one of the few 1000’s of cases brought against Kaiser every year.  ANY good malpractice lawyer has over 100 cases against Kaiser in any given month, and Lawyers refuse most of these inquires. Usually b/c the patient died from Kaiser injuries. The Lucky one’s, those who are only MAIMED, sometimes have a case  

Your trial will always be favorable to Kaiser, not You, no matter what their hack doctors did to your child or spouse. THIS IS FACT, I’ve been there and I show you why in this site.

  I do recommend street justice – period, b/c that is all they understand. The judges, the lawyers, everyone is already BOUGHT. The judges/neutrals are paid directly by Kaiser, so in who’s eyes will the loyalty lay?. This site will explain why, and give you the FIRST of many reasons N O T to carry Kaiser insurance, your tragedy will surely double after a trial against Kaiser. Don’t end-up blissfully ignorant before you begin a lawsuit – read this site. and learn WHY a Kaiser doctor is a poor choice

  You can collect $250,000. IF you win,  (1/4) million-and that is what your loved-one is worth to Kaiser and the state, but your case will exceed this amount making it impossible for ANY lawyer to take your case! ……Understand?!?

  If you do win, you will probably owe money. This is the law made possible by Kaiser’s $$$, Unions, Lobbyists, and your state governing body of criminals. So every time you walk-in to a Kaiser, you are under their jurisdiction, no one else’s.



  A Kaiser membership IS a liability to You and your loved one’s, yes your employer may supply this healthcare, but again, it’s a liability You share only w your family – No one can/will help you if a real problem arises. YOU are now dealing with the State, A Group Dynamic that is, as shown here, completely useless to you and profit driven for them. If this sounds like an Ad to discredit Kaiser, it is, but it is designed to help protect You, to show you what really happens. 


 I am sure you’ve have seen someone win a case against Kaiser, but these are the VERY FEW and often someone with tons of resources, or popularity. Kaiser pays these cases on purpose, then allows the press release to show a false store-front to the public-Don’t be fooled, they are Monsters from Hell

 All Kaiser doctors practice under Kaiser guidelines, Not what is taught in medical schools



 “Today’s opinion manipulation industry is a powerful giant, but like Goliath, it is a giant with a fatal weakness. When the public is educated about its techniques, it  often loses its ability to mislead and manipulate.”





  I thought I was living in a just society, I thought our laws were meant to protect my Children, my Family, the Family next-door. It’s a Delusion and I can show you………………………

 This website took well over a decade to produce. The story is vast and is all very true, but what is its purpose?

 Our son at the age of 3 months old was put in Kaiser’s hospice program, he was given 2/3 months to live. Evan, who has a metabolic condition which we later found, there is Zero “clinical” evidence that his condition is Terminal.

  After a 19 month hospice and certified to die Seven Times by Kaiser, he is 16 years old today. Evan is severely damaged from Kaiser’s hospice and their drugs having a devastating overdose at 7 months old that caused Evan to be without oxygen, no pulse, no blood pressure for 26 minutes.

  Evan has proven he was never dying by living 16 years PAST Kaiser’s “prognosis” and Kaiser was not wrong in what they did to our infant, they were intentional in their actions, but as years past and seeing many very fine physicians outside of the Kaiser walls, we concluded Evan was being euthanized. Although this took ten years to bring to court, We did win our case.


Kaiser had destroyed our medical records, committed several Felonies/Perjuries, and HIPAA breeches, including 2 doctors and 1 nurse committing PERJURY several times – no one was prosecuted all because of the relationship/collusion w the courts & Kaiser & the laws they have manipulated< this also proven in this site.


  Many of these laws were/are supported by Kaiser’s money, legislation purchased through many directions of collusion,  and it’s been going-on for decades. If not for Evan surviving, only a handful of lawyers (and Kaiser) are aware this system of suffering is happening over and over only with a very very low mortality rate, Evan being a minor allowed me to uncover all of this because of a long statute, an adult does not have this option.


  Every page, Every detail you are about to read is known to Kaiser, all the lawyers, the neutral, and Judicate West (where many trials are held)  One thing influences their deceit, Money and the money they receive having complete jurisdiction over these cases.   This is a Closed court system, just as your care is and no outside help will be in your toolbox.    

  Dr’s. 1.Diane Broome, 2.Richard Dee Brumley, and 3.Nurse Casella all of whom committed unforgivable PERJURY/CRIMES, and I show you in this site the proof with court documents!<look them-up in these pages. These are Felonies and worse and no one was convicted.


  Every page will have a child or adult with the same condition as Evan “Why?” because Kaiser thinks all these kids are dead (or should be), here’s the first one of so many that did not have Kaiser as an executioner :

 Here you will see what was meant to be heard, and read what was meant to be said.

 This is not a challenge, or a vengeful chain to discredit a corporation, it is a documented real life story backed-up with legal documents, over 10 years of study
This story is about an Infant confronted with death, a false death sentence, and the corruption and collusion that is found in government, law, law enforcement, the courts. Corporations are kept secretive as possible, I paid the price over many years, as did my son & family while medical science was tossed out the window.

 Evil begets evil and evil loves its own, but to know it, it may save you and yours.

  I will show you records (single page for easy reading) How Your Medical Board, DA, Atty. General , court system, Kaiser, and just about any agency YOU support & pay-for serves political interest only, not the safety of the public as it was/is intended, and unfortunately a lot will surprise/disgust you, but you need to know.

   *Please read the Medical Board (MBC) chapter, never before have you seen such arrogance, Incredible IGNORANCE & favoritism while completely ignoring Federal/State Crimes – I will show you their own documents sent directly to me. Me seeking justice that can never be b/c of who they serve, & they do not serve You.

The Finest Physicians in the world stated – “Kaiser was trying to Kill Evan”

 My son received NOTHING, yet Kaiser Blinded him, took his ability to use his arms and legs, basically took his life and the Only time Kaiser used any medical experts was during the trial, not when Evan needed them, when he was an infant!

I will explain Why Kaiser has over 60 federal lobbyists ! Lobbyists? Aren’t they in the medical business? No they are not, not really. They are part of a muti-faceted Gov. money & campaign generator and they have removed your civil rights, and will continue to do so.

  In these pages I will demonstrate who – how – and why Your federal/state laws mean nothing, HIPAA laws-nothing, Perjury-nothing, Slander-nothing, doctors destroying medical records-Nothing! and trying to kill a “Potentially Expensive Patient” a baby – means nothing, and it’s actually practiced & protected!


  As a parent, You Never forget what a healthcare provider states about your Childs health, but through-out this trial my wife and myself were grilled and called liars defending our helpless baby while real scum-bag lawyers/liars describe scenerios that never happened.

 Please read-on, You Will Be Amazed and I will make each page a revelation, not in just my words, but in proof.

  In truth, the Law is being ignored by the one agency you and I would expect full disclosure-The Medical Board of California (MBC) This IS a criminal organization “seeded” w Kaiser minions, and VERY inept clerks. During our first filings with the MBC, Sharon Levine was president of the  MBC – A Kaiser Executive.

  Doctors that are “considered” medical experts for the Medical Board, These are a few Kaiser doctors; Dr. Jason A. Black, Stanley Mui, MD, Paul Lee, MD, Albert Ray, M.D., Richard A. Bender, M.D., I could name many many more, the MBC does not look for qualified experts for review,  they use who helps thier cause, and that cause is to do nothing, or to not protect You. I will prove this egregiously with Medical Board letters, I even have page after page of interview w medical board staff, because You can bring a court reporter to the medical board as I did. I cannot explain how illiterate these people really are.

 If I can help you with your case against Kaiser, drop me a line. I’ve been doing this for over a decade and many have reached out to me. Collect your medical records and order them THRICE ! and hope they have not been “doctored”


.           Here’s another patient w Evan’s condition:

  After over a decade of harassment from Kaiser, the local and Fed law enforcement (Sheriff’s & DOJ/Human Health Services), I got into court. Restraining Orders (to date: 13 years so far) and creeps sitting outside my home and business for Years.

My defense Experts were the DREAM TEAM: William Nyhan: The God Father of Metabolic and Mitochondrial Medicine known through-out the world.  Richard Haas: Neurology & Mitochondrial & Head of the US Mitochondrial Assoc.- Richard Ruffalo: Top expert in the Michael  Jackson case – John Fullerton: Hospice expert and Well known Internist , who BTW was hired by Kaiser multiple times before our case, but in our case he was quoted as being wrong by Kaiser even though they used him multiple times before – he was never wrong. All of these well known Physicians stated Kaiser was euthanizing Evan.

 The entire system is set-up so you lose a winnable case.

  I will explain MICRA (in the MICRA page), The medical malpractice Cap. “Jerry Brown’s Cap” which means, if Kaiser Kills your loved one (by mistake or intentionally) you can only sue for 250K < that’s it ! and no lawyer wants this case even if its winnable, Cases cost well over this CAP & your child is worth nothing to everyone but You.

This egregious law is ONLY known to those who seek justice against Kaiser, then never find it

There are at least 12 to 14 million members who have no idea this even exists!, and anyone who walks-in from a state supported low income need for healthcare is also subject to this law

!! NEVER -sign an arbitration agreement- NEVER !!

  “There are no secrets in life, only hidden truths”

  Please GO TO “The CRIME”

   Most fine Physicians know this doctor below, W.L. Nyhan, the God Father of Metabolic & Mitochondrial medicine. This declaration below should’ve turned this case into attempted Murder, this is why Kaiser bought their own justice system from the legislature and opened a proprietary overseer the OIA – Office of Independent Administrator. < A false storefront that serves Only Kaiser.

  Yes, Bernard Tyson, ex/dead CEO of Kaiser installed to appease the Obama Administration to make Kaiser the country’s new Socialist HMO is now DEAD doing all of us a favor.

                 I have his court conviction papers for violence and perversions. This “thing” was a true monster only hired to become the Kaiser puppet like our 2021 President Biden.


SHARE this site on Social Media (hopefully it won’t be censored) – Copy & Click the KKK link, and by ALL MEANS share it on ALL “ Kaiser related pages – Help save a life. <>   Thank You

   This site is up to save a life, or many lives, to educate you and as it seems to condemn those who oppose it. 

                    Please go to the CRIME page.

In a related image……………

We would like to thank the 1152 Generous donations to our War Fund. We raised more than expected to proceed to court. All your names are on file if we do not proceed with our fight, all would be refunded at some point in time, we just do not know, but Thank You so much !!!!!

Please Note: Kaiser has an IT department that Hi-Jacks websites that describe the Horrors they create, This site is no exception.

Keep in mind (when returning or forwarding) when you “LOOK” for this site, it does get hacked-off the web from time to time despite their other Illegal acts against life.


I am a Gun owner, don’t hold this against me, it is my right, and if you do, you should not be reading this site, You support something else.

I named my guns after each and every Monster mentioned on this page and in the CRIME page, as a reminder, some people enjoy dictating others life course .

ANYONE who harms a child should be dealt with – this story explains why.


Coming to CAR SHOW near You. We travel all over Commiefornia, raising donations for Victims, give-aways like free KKK hats, KKK Gun targets, KKK Stickers Wanna shoot a KKK Monster? Now You can ! We now have several KKK monster Gun Targets ! Lawyers, Doctors, Political Hacks ! Ready for Your Gun or Bow, & for Free ! Come see our custom cars and meet victims of Kaiser’s Monsters.