Kaiser Hospice Nurse
Dyana Casella befriended us during and after hospice ended. Up to, How long? For over 12 years up to the trial date, then Vanished.
During hospice she must have visited us 50 times, the most we saw of Kaiser. She watched us Wean Evan off Dr. Richard Brumley’s death drugs and she also witnessed Evan’s symptoms VANISH, then she visited us all the way up until the trial began in 2018, this is well over 11 years. I had been to her home, taken care of her dogs numerous times, she even stayed the night at our home. I met her son and grandson, she had dinners with my family and friends, I have copies of transactions with her up to the trial- was she a “PLANT” by Kaiser? She did betray us in the most egregious way that would only be expected by an enemy. She would testify on our behalf to contradict all the lies/Perjury from Dr. Richard Dee Brumley of 3 Arch Bay Laguna Beach. So this first “under oath” testimony is absolute Perjury, disregarded by the the Neutral Jay Cordell Horton at Judicate West’s litigation country club. Here it is.
Now, Imagine having a “friend” (this nurse) in your home up until 2018 (trial year, over a decade AFTER hospice ended) ready and willing to help you break this case and expose all of this intentional negligence by Kaiser. You spend weekends with her, share personal issues, invite her to your family dinners and friends “get-togethers”, massive trust – and then she commits Perjury – she doesn’t know your name, hasn’t seen Evan in many years – asks if Evan is still ALIVE! – it was all lies obviously, then this Judicate West neutral let’s her get away free and clear. I show YOU here, that she is simply lying to help KaiserKillKids
Imagine how you would feel, but also imagine WHO is guiding this deceit.

“If he’s still alive” The photo above, Evan is sitting across from her, and she just went to my daughter’s concert with Evan sitting between my wife and herself-I have photos of this also, but there is More Perjury. Here is the concert pic from 2017

This check is from 2015, hospice ended in 2008-there is more of this, but you get the idea-we had a friendly transaction between us.

Next you can read some of Dyana’s testimony:

On each of these pages, I can show more, but this is enough, and this is Perjury, but due to the relationship with my lawyer (or any lawyer at Judicate West) and the judge, none of this Perjury would be addressed-ever.
This shows how Kaiser is at their center, if they paid detectives to sit in front of my home and business for years, they surely will pay an employee to “befriend” a victim of their malpractice – all it takes is Kaiser mentality & union money. Everyone who must subscribe/Forced to a Kaiser membership contributes to these crimes
Now, what was happening that You cannot see here?
You know My lawyer Dan Hodes is a friend of, lack of an accurate word, judge & criminal Jay Cordell Horton. Dan sends-in one of his Jr. lawyers to depose Dyana Casella – Why? Because this lawyer knows nothing about the case, Or that Dyana was in our lives up to the trial date. He asked no questions that pertain to our relationship outside of Kaiser for over a decade – strange? Very much so, and very unprofessional to the point of absurdity.
Why did Dan Hodes do this? So Dan’s “judge” buddy won’t miss-out on the Kaiser money AND, the Big one…. My lawyer is looking to retire at Judicate West as a neutral also. They stick together like thieves stick together and all these crimes are slipped under the door mat.
Keep in mind, this IS a lawyers mind, it’s about them and what they can get away with, and they do. They seem to spend a lot of time on schemes rather than law. Hell has no shortage of legal help, but most of legal/politics don’t believe in a higher power, they are their own mini-Gods. This country has lost just about everything at this point (2022), and if Integrity has been lost to profit and power as we have seen in Law & Politics & Compassion, it is over.