This site is dedicated to Evan.

This innocent little boy is a victim. Evan is rare not just by disease, but that Evan is alive and the first victim to survive this treatment, and we tell you how they did this. This is a story about Collusion within Kaiser & our Law makers.

Why have I created this site?

To help thy neighbor, to save a life, to tell the truth.  There are many people in this site who commit crimes against life everyday, they are lost and Evan is here to not just show them, but to show you that evil exists and is rabid in our lives – even in those we have been told to trust, you cannot and it’s a shame.


Much of this site contains Extreme Defamation upon Kaiser and those who oversee malpractice cases,

This is completely On-Purpose, but oh so true.

I’ve done this to Try their “will”, and it is purposeful “My Breech of law”, but You will Not see any of them suing me.

They cannot fight (in Open court) their egregious crimes committed in court, they serve their master Kaiser, & of course Money

I have connected with 42 D2 HGA patients in the USA, there are many more in Europe and Asian countries. These are typical D2’s below in the images.

Many more have never been diagnosed, So how many times has Kaiser destroyed these “like” patients along with their science ?

I am sure Many


 We are now in a massive CENSORSHIP mode in the USA, Many don’t even recognize it ! < Which is very scary.  All the Big Tech companies have jumped-on board, even the You Tube is editing news and information from great sources, or should I say “TRUTH is being kept from the naive”, the ignorant.

Your Facebook, your tweets, are either being pulled or altered while great information has been completely omitted. Sports has entered the political theater. The so-called 2020/23 “lockdown” has taken the country by storm while Europe is looking at us as morons-they get Your news – You do not. Your votes have been altered, the one so very important right, and you’ve been told by these very Censors, “No it did not happen”.


“Those who have ears….”



What Kaiser has done to Evan is Purposeful, now it is being practiced by the LEFT, and this was predicted also.  We literally have criminals running this once great country, the law-makers are now Law-Breakers


I have done my part, as has Evan by speaking the truth/suffering showing what is to come. Your children’s lives have changed and they may never know it, that is up to you. It’s not about improving Our lives, it’s about greed and power only being dictated and the Media is on board

“Open Your Eyes”



   As with most of the pages on this site, I show children & adults with the same condition Evan shares. Evan has Much LOWER numbers than A L L  of these patients, yet Evan was supposed to Die according to the Hacks at Kaiser, Kaiser’s false judicial system, and of course all the hacks that benefit $, and this was before 6 months old!. You can see these kids, they are active, enjoying life, going to schools, college, playing, and they can see, move, talk, but Not Evan.

This is Kaiser, the Fast Food Medical Giant. Now you know why Kaiser stalled 10 years to get to court (in hopes Evan would die), and Why Kaiser contacted Children’s Hospital Orange County aka CHOC, and stated to CHOC that I was a danger (so Evan couldn’t get healthcare).

Yes, they are are that cruel, and they deserve a horrible fate


Fact is, people DO NOT DIE from this metabolic condition, just as diabetes is a metabolic condition

     Nowhere in the clinical studies do these children or adults (obviously) Die from this condition, it is not a fatal condition, But since Kaiser really does not do complex medicine, he was scheduled to die/to be murdered


Kaiser cannot handle anything “out of the norm”, they just do not have the hired Talent they claim to have


So the promotions begin ! Shirts, Hats, Gun targets (with a version of Kaiser logo)& our most popular give-away!, and most of all information and help for the massive amount of Kaiser victims


My goal (with the help of other past Kaiser victims) has been to pull people Away from this fast-food medical giant

We have done well in the past 4 years and will continue to prevent suffering, and Kaiser deceit with education/facts

This is a tough road with all the voter fraud (which we have proven also) especially here in Leftyforina

Below, our “give-away’ VW Bus Bars. Once a year Raffle Ticket

with Fridge/freezer/lights, all metal/VW horn/Natural stone top on wheels!

Enough to hold 75 beverages with 4 turn table shelves

They are Awesome !




Just remember ” K K K ” for ! 







Below photo: Evan has been hospitalized many times since the devastating overdose, either from his rotting teeth causing toxins and pneumonia, or from acquired epilepsy (from the overdose) triggered by a fever.

 Anytime Evan gets ill we panic. In this day we were just minutes from going to the ICU. We use CHOC of course) with his fever and other symptoms. Evan, out of nowhere he screamed, but it was an extremely joyous scream, something we very rarely see. His eyes lit-up like nothing we’ve seen and he was looking at something we cannot explain, or see. He smiled as if he was communicating with someone standing over him, then this Heart shows up on his cheek.

 Sounds crazy to most, but when the heart faded away after 15 minutes and Evan calmed down(we took many photos), he was 100% fine/cured. I cannot explain this, nor will I try, but it was amazing for Evan or anyone to recover in an instant.


 You can discount this with unbelief, or what ever you choose, but I will not “make-up” a story about Evan or any other “little one”. It just is.  

Any person in this story who has demonstrated crimes against Life, lied, perjured, false witness, and they have, need to look closely at this.

Those who have read this story now know why Evan is alive. Is there a Medical explanation for this heart?  his instant healing? A Kaiser lawyer/Monster would find one, but with all this crime by Kaiser, it is time they get exposed——and condemned for it.

A true Miracle, yet so many refuse its validity, so be it.


Evan just had his 5th dental surgery 2021- it took 4 1/2 hours, all caused by Dr. Richard Brumley in hospice – a true Hack. What was this filth doing while Evan was on the operating table? I do have his address, as his off-spring. These sub humans Breed the same filth generation after generation


I’m sure they have lied to their families how they tried to kill this infant after making claims Evan would succumb to a condition at 6 months old, and they know ZERO about it.

It’s 15 years later and all Evan has to show aside from his age, is Kaiser damage.


“Evan is here to bring these people to Perdition, they had their chances to be clean, but lied.

To these people Justice is not a goal or a moral code, it is a tool to abuse others when it applies to their needs and to protect their image of themselves, their Money”

   That image they imagine, will never serve them when needed most, and punishment is coming




Honorary Mention:

A couple I know who have had some incredible luck due to wise business moves through-out their lives have made an incredible donation to Mission Hospital in South Orange County.

A huge 104K square foot Cancer Institute ! The first of it’s kind in So Orange County.

I’m lucky to know these generous people – good people for a change that have shared Evan’s journey.


This IS what life is all about, and so very contrary to what you have just read. All the Monsters you have read in this site, just know there are polar opposites in this hell hole we call Kalifornia.

Thanks Bill & Judi — from Evan & Family 2024