Evan’s Story
All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing – Frequently the justification for doing nothing is the exaggeration of lesser evils
Evan was born on Dec 4 2006, A kaiser doctor came in and broke mom’s water then left. Later Evan came and the doctor was nowhere to be found, a nurse delivered Evan. He wasn’t even in the building, I cut the cord, the doctor came in and screamed at the nurse – nice. Evan was a normal cute little boy. After 4 weeks of life we notice he was vomiting in a “projectile” manner so we took Evan in to kaiser to see his pediatrician. Doctor Dr. John Derek Brandon, He said it was acid reflux after we gave him the description of “shooting vomit”. Brandon said his weight loss was normal. We brought him in again for the same problem and Brandon was not in, but Dr. Eastman was and he read Brandon’s diagnosis and agreed, but he was now much thinner. This went on for a couple of weeks and after a well-baby exam at another kaiser clinic we knew something was wrong. Evan was looking weak and lethargic and we went straight to see Brandon again. He could not deny the weight loss of almost 1 1/2 pounds from his birth weight! Evan’s birth weight was 5 lbs.9 oz.( his sister was same birth weight w a petit mother), so you can imagine how sick he was. Brandon was wrong and he couldn’t spend the money on a test for a common but potentially very dangerous condition.
Evan was diagnosed with infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Pyloric stenosis is a form of gastric outlet obstruction, which means a blockage from the stomach to the intestines. Pyloric stenosis is fairly common — it affects about 3 out of 1,000 babies in the United States. It’s about “four times” more likely to occur in firstborn male infants (Evan) and also has been shown to run in families —if a parent had pyloric stenosis, then an infant has up to a 20% risk of developing it. Pyloric stenosis occurs more commonly in Caucasian infants than in babies of other ethnic backgrounds. Most infants who develop symptoms of pyloric stenosis are usually between 3 to 5 weeks. It is one of the more common causes of intestinal obstruction during infancy that requires simple surgery. The food and liquids build up and cannot pass from the stomach to the small intestine, when it has enough mass it shoots out, rather than a spit up we normally see in an infant. Evan fit this problem very very well. This condition was made “more” popular by Will Farrell at his birth.
Dr. Brandon was wrong and our “gut” feeling was right. Evan was so dehydrated that it took 4 days to try and correct his “Severe Deranged Electrolytes” so the surgery could be done. This aggravated Evan’s soon to be discovered condition. Brandon ignored the symptoms…Projectile vomiting & first born male and weight loss, but saved kaiser some money on a test. Maybe if he paid more attention to his position as a care giver rather than Kaiser’s spending quotas, Evan would have not suffered so much. Brandon is a pediatrician living in Laguna Beach Cal. This is an infant, and any precaution should have been taken.
Evan was released after a short surgery and we brought him home, later that evening we observed two very short but frightening seizures. We called kaiser and they said “get him to the nearest ER” We did and they did many tests including a brain scan, but found nothing and kaiser sent transportation to Los Angeles 65 miles away. We spent the next 5 days there doing tests in the most filthy hospital I have ever seen; There were no rooms just curtains and even though we were RUSHED to kaiser, we were ignored for 24 hours until I screamed at the staff. The hospital was overwhelmed and a breeding ground for disease. They found abnormal wave lengths and sent us home with Phenobarbital.(now that I think back, If Kaiser has an extra “stall” to keep you in, they can charge you for an extra day as they did us)
Later we saw Neurology Dr. Suresh Gurbani in Orange County. There were no seizures during this time waiting and Gurbani looked at Evan and did some physical tests and clapping his hands, slamming his fists on the table and dropping him on to the table then stated …
“your boy in fine, he is normal” I told him that the Metabolic lab in L.A. had made an appointment for Evan from the testing done in L.A. He stated, ”don’t go to that appointment, your son is normal-he is fine, cancel the appointment unless you want to go for fun”. Turns out he had a metabolic condition.
I went to this appointment and saw Dr. Rebecca Mardach a metabolic specialist. Evan was not fine. He had a metabolic condition that was detected in a simple organic acid test, but had to be verified as to what “type” L or D, in Amsterdam of all places. Dr. Mardach stated: “you may have behavioral problems and there is only 8 or 10 cases that we know of and we do not know if he will be severe or not, he is far too young, we just don’t know, it is 1 to 100”. “You will have to wait and see as he grows” this was a correct assessment. Well, there were more than 8 or 10 cases at this time, and I was about to join a group with 80 members.
I asked for a new metabolic Doctor in Orange county as driving 70 miles one way for checkups was just not a good idea. I did not know that kaiser had only two metabolic doctors in California and the other one is way up North about 500 miles. Problem was, I later found Kaiser has only Two metabolic doctors in the entire state, and another was nowhere near us!
You have noticed that I have NOT told you what Evan has at this point, well, there is a reason for that. It is rare and if you look it up you will see various symptoms (not terminal) and unless you have read or seen these patients, as I have, your conclusion would be “he’s in trouble”. But in medical publications you will observe ALL the symptoms of a disease, few of these children suffer from multiple symptoms depending on their severity – like diabetes comes in many severities. For example; if you looked up diabetes and knew nothing about it, you would be frightened, you would read; high blood glucose damages nerves and blood vessels, oftentimes leading to complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nerve problems, gum infections, and amputation. Many clinical studies often show the severities rather than the mild cases. The Disease Tab will explain this disease.
They assigned a Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands living in La Quinta CA, who was a genetic doctor, NOT metabolic. We never were seen by a metabolic doctor again, although this WAS the correct “type” of doctor. Evan was on Phenobarbital and things got worse very quickly because Dr.Gurbani upped the pheno with not even one thought about his current condition. Our mistake was calling this “doctor” every time we saw a seizure, but we were scared. Up to this point, Evan was just like a normal infant, cooing and smiling.
Much later we found in clinical study that Phenobarbital has NO medical benefit (source lab 1993) for his condition, this study was published ny the Source Lab in Amsterdam-they do the testing worldwide. Evan was only having one seizure and they were short (non-damaging) every other day, but for us, frightening, but every time they increased in drugs, the seizures became more frequent and more powerful. We visited (genetics) Dr Diane Louise Broome/Sands, me not knowing the difference between genetics and metabolics. In short, she asked us if we needed help caring for our son, we said “Yes of course”(we were in fact lost and scared), so she opened up a hospice program and told us “it is to help you”. I asked her about the term “hospice” I did not know that the evil that was brewing in this woman’s mind. She said it was “to help us” deal with his care, and we were going to be “taught” how to care for him”. She said, “we wouldn’t even need to come in to a clinic, the hospice doctor would be in contact every week with her and give us anything we needed” (later in medical records, she used her own statement above against us)
She said, “Hospice has many definitions” ” This is Kaiser’s hospice”. There was only one truth here, that it was kaiser’s hospice.
Our health care providers had another idea for Evan. We were now subject to Kaiser’s Corporate Ethics. This is not an abortion issue here, this was the beginning of a living nightmare, and NO WAY is Evan the first, he is however, The FIRST to SURVIVE and make this discovery that at kaiser, there is a baby graveyard.
When hospice arrived Evan was given a death sentence by the “hospice” Dr. Richard Dee Brumley of South Laguna Beach 3 Arch Bay, CA. This doctor is a geriatric specialist, not pediatric, and not until 19 months later, yes 19 months in hospice did I find that it was all VERY deadly and Unnecessary, and not normal practice anywhere else, but at Kaiser.
This is the first time I had heard that Evan would die, from Hospice Dr. Brumley. The other 3 specialists stated nothing about death because this, medically cannot be reached.
*He stated; “these kids typically die in 2 to 3 months”, he also said he had never heard of this disease before, so how could he conclude 2 to 3 months without speaking with a metabolic doctor? All he had was orders for a terminal patient. These “orders” I would not see until 5+ years later.
Dr Mardach (Metabolics)would have not stated this, you can read her assessment in the medical record (the second one)
Hospice asked on the first day,” What mortuary will you use?”(it is in the hospice paperwork), then Dr. Brumley told me a story about a baby that survived for months without a brain and the suffering it caused their family. They wanted me to sign a DO NOT RESUSCITATE for Evan.
What has been done here is; They came in and HIT us with a ton of bricks. This day we learned our son will die in the comfort of our home, we were told a scary story, and it was all drama. They “prepped” us for the end of Evan’s life.
Never thought I would be writing about it 15 years later and Evan is alive.
“Later”, I put the story together with Kaiser’s intent. You will see in the Pre-hospice report (that I never saw until 2012) that Dr Broome (genetics) and a Dr.Monica Mehren (hospice) signed Evan’s hospice paper and said “HE WILL DIE”, but Dr. Mehren was replaced with Dr Brumley. Two doctors need to sign this document, but they replaced the hospice doctor so THEY don’t do the dirty work, only the paperwork – like dropping bombs from an airplane.
*Brumley walks into a dying patient PERIOD! The parents are medically ignorant & trusting their doctor, the baby dies. Even if you found evidence of malpractice, you cannot sue. (in the law tab)
Now, at this point there is something you cannot read. We as parents being told this news are at a point of shock-rejection, or something hard to explain. At this first stage everything starts to process poorly and you look into future things that “could” happen to your family.
Will our daughter get this? Do we have to watch this beautiful innocent baby die? Will we both be there? Will this end our family?
and of course, why us?
This is Kaiser’s “way”, this is the set-up. The hospice team comes to you with this so-called “concern” for your family and as you will see in the following tabs, they did not care even a little, they prove this in records I have acquired that WE were never meant to see.
Regardless that they did NOT have a Prognosis (outcome) which cannot be determined by the finest experts at this age, if he dies, the case is closed. This is a perfect crime and saves kaiser millions over time and the parents would never know. I would say, 99.9% do not know, I introduce Evan, the 0.1%.
Our son was abused and tortured and became blind, quadriplegic and mentally 2 months old forever in the first 3 months of hospice due to their illegal use of 3 barbiturates prescribed “together” in a deadly cocktail that would have killed many healthy people. He was prescribed Phenobarbital+ Ativan+ Morphine and even the hospice doctor’s dose was ignored at times by his staff and himself. At a very delicate age (5 months) Evan was addicted to 3 drugs and had endless (I Must Stress “endless”) seizures for 3 days nonstop, twice and two 24 hour endless bouts and countless 6, 8, 10 hour nonstop with no seizure rescue drugs, emergency procedure or oxygen. According to the manufacturer of the Morphine, Oxygen would be required “on-site” especially with the two other drugs, this was never considered because they had a DO NOT RESUSCITATE order, but that was that plan unknown to the parents. The other important fact unknown to the parents was that Morphine had NO MEDICAL BENEFIT and was very dangerous for a patient with a seizure disorder.
I cannot describe these events, they are probably the most horrible feeling a mother / father (and little sister) can endure. To carry a baby around for months while he tries to hang on for life, seizing endlessly with no rest, but the drugs are so powerful, they continue to overwhelm his body. His fever went to 105, then dropped down to freezing, he turned deep red, then dusty grey all day long. He never ate or drank or filled a diaper. We were told he was dying, but he was never dying, he was fighting to live with his instincts that were being cancelled-out with addiction and he did suffer addiction symptoms, he was rejecting the drugs. They were torturing him and made us watch.
The hospice team just looked on and administered more drugs thinking they were “stopping” the seizures, they were just “putting him down” and creating endless seizures. Evan was being starved of food and liquids because of the drug abuse and starved of oxygen because of seizures. Early on Evan would scream before the seizures came, but after they took his thinking mind, there was no more screaming. He used to coo and smile, up until the drug abuse.
It was a nightmare that would not go away being dictated by people “Posing” as healthcare workers…….
Later, when we found what they intended for Evan, a new nightmare began. These seizures were very damaging as told to us by specialists outside of Kaiser. Short seizures are not damaging, but lengthy seizures are. Kaiser told us he would die in 2 or 3 months’ time when hospice began. We found later his condition IS NOT terminal, we also later found that there are 40 kids on Yahoo groups with this disorder and they are just the ones reaching out to us. Most doing well, some normal, some delayed and a two retarded up to and counting 30 years old. None were terminal. CHOC told us there are over 150 kids with this disorder. How many really have this? We don’t know, many have it but show no symptoms. His life and mind has stopped at 3 months old and this is documented. Evan’s teeth have been removed 5X and with no concern to KP ever, although brought up to ALL Kaiser doctors. The drugs ruined his dentin-baby teeth and adult.
They also said, “the reason his seizures were increasing, his disease is becoming more apparent” This was not true even in the least, it was their drugs, because when We (parents) weaned him off the drugs, the seizures STOPPED ! and Evan was OFF all meds for the following Decade!
Evan’s teeth rotting away is a product of all the drugs in hospice, he will never have good teeth.
I was also told early-on by Kaiser’s Dr. Mardach in LA that his condition could vary from nothing to retarded. Death was not an issue until (KP Genetics & Neuro) got together and instituted Evan in hospice. Many of these kids are getting A’s and B’s in school, some are delayed, autistic & a couple retarded, NONE are like Evan, burned up by medications. NONE were in hospice and only one was given Morphine, Evan.
These kids and adults are featured in each page of this site. kaiser said he had a terminal disease, this means, and according to “kaiser’s non-scientific Prognosis” ALL of the kids you see in this site should be dead. Through my research, I have not found ONE child that has died from this disease, they have died from “other” conditions that can be “included” with this one. This disease is not painful or lethal, unless other disease is present. To this day, 2019, Evan has no other disease. He shows no D2HGA symptoms !
Many diseases, when severe, often present other conditions. Example; Diabetes, if severe can produce blindness, loss of limbs and liver/heart disease and can become lethal, if mild or moderate, you live on.
After a morphine overdose (code blue) where he was saved by emergency doctors(outside of Kaiser), his mind was gone forever. He was Hypoxic for 26 minutes with agonal breaths(These are one or two breaths a minute, and not productive to life). He was blue from his head to his toes.
He was dead for 26 minutes.
We decided to remove all medications with the help of a doctor outside of kaiser who told us they were in fact “killing him”. Many doctors at Rady’s and CHOC stated the same.
This took over 3 months and a 24 hours a day event to wean him off Kaiser drugs. We were told (several times) “Evan would die” by Kaiser, so we had nothing to lose and at this point all we knew was, he was dying, but we were not sure. We felt they were poisoning Evan – and they were. Just the simple proof we went from “He will Die” at 3 months old, to 16 years old (2022) today is quite obvious.
We did succeed weaning off the drugs and to our surprise, no seizures, they just stopped for months!, but KP already did the damage. It was like a fight of little hope, but we had some hope to give our son, I knew Evan was without oxygen too long, but he was so young, how could I tell ? He cant talk at this age so how could I know, but the doctors, even the paramedics said, “It was far too long” ….Well, Evan was different after the overdose event, like he was distant, not a baby. He never cooed again. BTW, Kaiser lawyers & their pre paid experts stated the overdose did n0t affect Evan. They should try it sometime, and they will. even 10 minutes would suffice.
We never used medications ever again (he never EVER needed any) and Evan is now 16 years old Dec. 2022 and we never saw uncontrolled seizures ever again after the drugs were removed – we had proven their drugs were just to kill him, and not just to kill, but to torture for months, him & us. This event is explained further in the drugs tab.
We had proven this, with hired experts in this field, drug companies that manufacture the drugs, everyday common medical knowledge given by many experts and of course with Evan himself by removing the drugs.
Evan’s condition is “anti-elliptic resistant” (intractable), meaning he will NOT respond to drugs, especially to these drugs and the normal epilepsy drugs. The Morphine is for pain, which Evan never had. Under the federal laws of the DEA, Morphine was misused. It is a federal crime to use CAT 2 drugs for NO MEDICAL PURPOSE (the drugs tab). Federal laws have been broken here, but Kaiser knew that he would die in hospice and even if we did discover this drug was misused and Evan had died, we would have NO CASE against Kaiser. They took advantage of our medical ignorance and the horror of losing our boy, we were “kept” uninformed. While in hospice and after Evan was weaned I asked the hospice Dr. to contact the specialists as they were now not talking to hospice. Why?
Evan was alive and their plan did not succeed
He has very few records with KP because he was only treated by the hospital for less than 3 months, they denied any specialists during his 19 months in hospice and figured he would be dead and of course by that time, since he was alive, the hospice team contacted county and state care and got him out of Kaiser care because Kaiser does not offer anything for Evan, especially now being alive and severely damaged. They always had a back-up plan as to run from the possible monetary obligation, and they also ran from the Very image they represent to the public….”Team Care” or “thrive” Kaiser’s Ads are nothing more than fiction, Kaiser is an insurance company first and run like one.
We did have one appointment with a KP specialist, a nutritionist, (after begging) but they cancelled at the last minute and they were to “call us back”….Never happened, we heard nothing. This appointment was cancelled because it would include Dr Mardach in Metabolics, but she was eliminated very early on by Dr Broome in genetics, so Mardach would not view what was done to Evan in hospice-ever, but she did find out from CHOC she screamed “Why did they stop treating Evan!”, Mardach left Kaiser stating to another Metabolic doctor “I have had enough”.
He was DUMPED After 1 year and 7 months in their hospice. The hospice team said they were, “sorry and they were wrong about Evan”, “he is not dying” “hospice is for the dying”, ”Our prediction was wrong” Nurse Whisnant< a Kaiser sheep/creep at best. But why 19 months in hospice? Kaiser was stealing hospice money from the FED. That did not come up in court b/c Everyone protected Kaiser crimes. Kaiser always has a way to “Take”, Take life or Money.
Also, Dr.Brumley was no longer at Kaiser as of 2012 after I turned up the heat in 2011. This is only Kaiser being careful if Evan’s case becomes a national story, if this gets news-worthy they would not want these two doctors employed by Kaiser, so they not only kick their patients to the curb, they also do it to their doctors to save face, not because they tried to kill Evan, because they got sloppy and did not kill Evan. Dr. Broome also took partial leave till today, but still practices, if you call it that.
Our CHOC doctor (Children’s Hospital Orange County)…in (Metabolics) called the first and only Kaiser metabolic Dr. Mardach and asked her about Evan. She said,(Mardach) “I don’t understand why they stopped treating him”, Dr. Mardach is not in the euthanization “loop” and she was never a part of Evan’s care after the initial appointment you will read in “medical records”. Mardach WAS the correct specialist and that is why the CHOC doctor called her, not Dr Broome or Brumley, but Broome made sure Metabolics was NOT included in any care of Evan. If Metabolics was included, she could not euthanize Evan. This also reflects why Kaiser only has 2 Metabolic doctors in California, it gives control of the patient to “other” doctors like Broome without the special knowledge, or scientific care. This has worked decades, until now. Even in the hospice records & doctor to doctor communications, no message was forwarded or CC’ed to Mardach, her assessment was ignored and CORRECT. This is in part of “How” they did this attempted murder and this is how – kaiser kills kids and babies. To clarify, Metabolic Physicians are generally Brilliant – gifted, well above the norm, it takes many years to become a metabolic specialist and they never stop clinical study.
After the morphine overdose there were several police at my door, they detained me outside while my wife and daughter were questioned, they checked for guns and what was on my PC and actually questioned my wife and daughter if I was abusing them. They were looking for child abuse and attempted murder because the ER doctor could not put the disorder together with the morphine(and the two other drugs). Imagine that,,,an ER doctor actually knows morphine does not make sense with a seizure disorder, So does a pharmacist, I interviewed several different doctors in the coming years.
I was rescued from the police by children’s services who were also told by Kaiser “Evan Was Dying”. This explained in another tab….The second police trip they asked all the neighbors about Evan’s father, door to door. As if life was not tough enough knowing my baby son was dying, we later found that what KP gave us was partial euthanasia, if that exists. Kaiser did no explaining to the police to clear the father, they are in fact Terrorists. Evan’s father became a neighborhood Pariah overnight.
When your child is “dying” you are often is a trance-like daze, it is hard to explain, but it is horrible. To watch your baby suffer as Evan did is one thing, to find later they did this on purpose is just too much. Kaiser kept us in this vacuum where there was very little hope and they embedded themselves into our lives very quickly. Kaiser created this life changing event so they could save an unknown amount of money with a potentially expensive patient – two unknowns, but Evan must die and his family along with him. This is where I find Kaiser as a cult, they control as much as they can hold-on to. If you need outside care-forget it.
Is this what we allow? Is this what we must endure when we write a check every month to a medical provider that we NEED to trust with our children’s lives? We are not done here, what about the science they have suppressed by euthanizing babies? What about the “other” diseases and “other” medical discoveries to possibly come? You cannot discover a treatment or cure without the patient.
I paid them to do this to do this to my family
Evan has now been pushed into “state care” by Kaiser’s hospice (they played the game well)… The state set up an appointment with Professor Glen Fowler at UCI, a child neurologist (ret) The Professor stated; “there is a fine line with these drugs, use too much and you create seizures” and “in your case Drug quantity was not considered and Morphine is NOT correct medication, it is for pain and end of life.”” you will only MASK the seizures” (Kaiser’s own Dr Gurbani said this “mask” description too)
Dr Fowler asked me,
“What was the morphine for?” as stated by ALL Professors in the coming months and years to follow, so it is common knowledge. This doctor shook his head in disgust.
Evan was also starving during this drug cocktail since he could not eat or drink and never a bowel movement, (the drugs cause this). When he did drink, he eventually threw up due to seizure. Starvation can also cause seizures in this disorder.
During this appointment in which a children’s services employee was present, she heard these statements from the Professor, then called a meeting with Kaiser. Kaiser never showed up – I protested and nothing was done. The crime vanished because it was a BIG Kaiser foul-up with the wrong results, we started to put this together. This was way out of the state-workers comfort zone and her boss dismissed it, nothing was done. The assigned Orange County Regional Center employee was removed from our case shortly after and when I subpoenaed the records this particular day was gone, they were all there except for this day. Removed to protect child services and Kaiser from their own expert opinions.
The Child Services (Regional Center of Orange County) ignored an attempted murder of an infant and had their own hired Professor as an expert who in fact completely contradicted Kaiser’s care. Why?, He (the Professor) opened a big “can of worms” and the state facility turned their back to us and Evan.
This IS typical state behavior, they never go beyond their job and Kaiser being a very large State employer, this crime would be ignored. At 3 months old, hospice was used as treatment, so Evan’s chance was no chance, nor anything was considered.
This hypocrisy of the Regional Center of Orange County by not pursuing Kaiser is nothing less than being an accessory to a vicious crime. If Evan was seen to have a “black-eye”, they would have had me arrested in less than 20 minutes, yet the crime that did occur is far more egregious than falling out of a crib. Kaiser is considered by every state and county agency as a “state agency” in that they are union & the second largest employer in the state that supplies incredible monetary support to their state hacks and with the Medical Board protecting these interests. As you read, you will also come to this conclusion too. The Medical board chapter is nothing less than frightening.
HYPOCRISY means;is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually have. Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a lie. This was our first experience with a “so-called” state authority that we assume has a purpose to uphold the law and especially protect children. You will read about many “state” people that only care about their job & pension, they serve no one, but themselves.
“The case worker assigned to our case was dismissed and vanished” (I did find her later-on) She is scared to come forward.
Evan was enrolled in a special school, but we took him out due to his fragile immunity to illness. It has been 8 years now since his absence at the school, yet the school system has kept him enrolled even in his 100% absence ! We did this for his health and because the “system” is one-sided, they know of all this abuse he has endured, but they refuse to rattle the cage, unless of course WE abuse him, then, only then would they send in the troops. Here is an email from the Principle at his school as of September 2013, this also shows you where your tax dollars are being spent, spent on children not even in the system!
On Sep 9, 2013, at 6:19 AM, “Dore, Judy I.” <JIDore@capousd.org> wrote:
Yes. He is in First grade and is required to be enrolled in School. Should you have him enrolled in another program please let me know which one and we will be able to disenrol him.
Judy Dore.
They even threatened me with some legal papers since we would not comply(enrolling him in school), but that was completely ignored since they all know what has occurred. This is the same school/busing system where a special needs child (in 2011) was not properly secured in his chair and he was “hung” to death while riding home.
Here is a photo of the CUSD hacks. yes I carry at all times a stealth video camera, even in courtrooms-you have to! More of this to come…..
This Same school, RH Dana, Evan’s classmate was taken home in a bus (as Evan was) Kevin. The driver finished up the stops only to find Kevin slumped down and HUNG to Death in his own restraints, driver had no idea Kevin was even in the bus.
Quote from this case;Despite overwhelming evidence available early in the case, the CUSD refused to admit fault in Kevin’s death for 18-months and did not apologize for their negligence. After admitting that it’s negligence caused Kevin’s death, the CUSD took the position prior to trial that the value of Kevin’s life and the loss suffered by his parents should somehow be “discounted” because of Kevin’s developmental disability. The jury’s eight-figure verdict makes clear that they under the profound loss Kevin’s suffered as a result of his death. link:http://www.ocregister.com/articles/kevin-380045-family-bus.html
“I have heard, more than once that a disabled child has less value than a normal child. This is disturbing because all civil societies will have their disabled, this cannot be avoided, without them we could not attempt to find cures (as in Evan’s case). Also there are 1000’s of businesses developing “Assistive Technologies” for these people that have led to many other advanced applications. Schools and procedures have seen incredible developments too. Vision & hearing technologies have been developed. Caregivers, educators, case managers and clinicians to name a few. A soldier gets disabled in serving his/her country immediately gets the benefits of the disabled, not just by therapies, but mechanical means as well. The humanity these people bring to us is priceless, and not to forget the love parents and siblings share with the so many of these simply honest souls. “If I were to choose between any one disabled child and All of the monsters I have described in the time you have read this first chapter, the world would be a much better place”, sound cruel ? , well, these same monsters made a REAL choice about Evan, if he was to live or die just as the CUSD made the comment that Little Kevin’s life was of less value”. It is obvious that anyone making a comment associated with the disabled, has not experienced a precious child like this. Not only is this ignorance, but inhumane.
Supplement NOVEMBER 2013; I know this is old, but it has merit
I have received several letters from the school district now that the “cat was out of the bag” about Evan still being enrolled at a school he has NOT attended, now they want to definitely prosecute me for not bringing him to school despite what his Pediatrician has to say. Now they have to justify their stealing taxpayer funds since I now knew Evan was still enrolled. Michael Beekman “Executive Director of Safety & student services” (an overpaid moron)(mbeekman@capousd.org) called a meeting with Jenna D Perry of SARB (?), Himself (he was to cowardice to show up) and Patti Sanchez District Atty.- and of course a police officer to take me away.
I brought a reporter documenting this story for the last 2 years and a relative to this meeting. After I showed documentation that Regional Center, the school district, Chidren’s Services & the medical Board ignored this egregious crime against an infant, including the District Atty’s office also, We agreed that since the case was about to be filed against Kaiser, no medical record release was to be had by the school medical staff, but a medical release from Evan’s pediatrician would suffice. (the last thing THEY want is this to hit the press and it would). So I submitted this document signed by my doctor. Mr Beekman decided to submit 2 documents for me to fill, I refused as all he was after was medical records & harassment. Records that a school nurse or school GP could not understand as the records take a highly specialized doctor to understand. Mr Beekman was not at his own meeting, he was afraid of me and since he did not get the “agreed upon by the DA” NO signature from me for medical records would be given, he actually came to my home with the police, of course while I was gone to harass my wife for a signature.
I have this guy on film peeking into our windows at our home, this is a creepy guy, he also came unannounced and said it was within legal limits, NO IT WAS NOT – this IS the mentality of the state worker. Uninformed, overpaid & dumb as a box of rocks. And now covering his ass for stealing money on a non-eligible student. By signing these school documents, you give away 2 rights, they can call (and harass your doctors) and they can order records for a year on your child, any and all of them they choose, which include any family comments by doctors and or any genetic family records that none of their staff could understand anyway.
Beekman (far right above) ignored our family’s pediatrician’s 3 letters to keep Evan OUT OF SCHOOL and came to our home with the cops trying to force my wife in signing the medical release papers !
During this meeting I recorded above, the districts lawyer (far left<pun intended) stated something I already knew” You don’t have to submit your son’s medical records, that is protected by HIPAA law” Yes it is, yet Beekman ignored these laws and harassed us thinking we didn’t know our rights. This moron actually came to our front door (I have video of this “peeping” into our windows”) Funny how the courts also completely ignored our HIPAA laws by Kaiser’s Dr. Broome.
It is time people see how these “workers” are going beyond their legal limits just as Kaiser did to Evan. Many assume these civil service people are within their legal limits, but many are using this assumption to get that they want, just as political hacks do everyday.
So why come after me ? As I mentioned, the school district is stealing tax dollars on students (Evan) who are not present and since I found out, they are trying to prosecute me to protect their crime.
So, you can see, THEY keep writing this story for me. Too many people employed at jobs that should not exist in the first place, sucking up your tax dollars for no reason, except for harassing a family of a very disabled child who has been abused by the very system they facilitate. Imagine IF this Mr Beekman unraveled this story onto the press before Kaiser got control of it in court! he’s too stupid so it did not happen.
Due to all of Evan’s damage Kaiser created, we have no idea how his life will turn out and all the sustained seizures, incorrect medications, no expert care in his first 2 years, and not to forget the incredibly damaging overdose, his care will neither be defined or assured. These savage events are all new and the first of it’s kind with all these complications, we will just have to do our best, I hope these doctors are enjoying their lives after what they have knowingly and intentionally done. In the following tabs, I will show you through their own words and medical records, that this was done intentionally.
“In the following tabs, I will show you through their own words and medical records that this was done intentionally. This is nothing you want to know, however, it is something you need to know” If you have not yet read the CRIME page, it is a good time.
By learning what is truly happening around you & yours, you will be able to make better informed decisions
These learned events were not of my choosing, they must be shared through our heartache, they are REAL
Each subject tab in this site is it’s own horror, if there was more, there would be more tabs-this is enough
Kaiser’s first real doctor (Mardach) stated “he may have behavioral problems” “severity is 1 to 100”. With multiple possibilities of his disease, Evan was cut short of doing better as soon as hospice started. The fact that they could not kill him with all their drugs is a testimony to his true condition, no intervention and lack of oxygen, they could not kill him, tells us without a doubt, he would have been “our son” rather than what Kaiser created. His arms, legs, hands and eyes have no use from the uncontrolled & induced seizure activity & overdose.
Another child with D2HGA Seizures taper off as they age, As many parents of these children have experienced. Evan’s condition has nothing to do with his disease today 16 years later b/c after we weaned Evan off Dr. Richard Dee Brumley’s death concoction Evan went the following decade without any drug. HOWEVER there is a problem, I am speaking of Evan’s disease. Since he had an overdose on Kaiser’s “cocktail”, the Hypoxic event, proven in an MRI, (Hypoxic Ischemic injury) also causes unknown/unpredictable epilepsy too.
So the damage is not specific to the original condition, and as the law states; “You take the patient as they are” which means,
“DO NO HARM” or “It is better to do nothing than to cause harm” which is in the Oath every doctor takes, this is NOT observed at Kaiser.
He was written off, given many drugs without metabolic concerns that brought on his condition. Seizures and a lack of oxygen destroyed his brain and we were put in the dark by the “specialists”, intentionally.
If I were to speak of this I would say…They lied to us and took advantage of our lack of medical knowledge during an extreme time that was a living nightmare and for me still is.
They never informed us about the “possible” mild outcome of the disease, nor did they approach his condition like responsible medical professionals, they just said he would die and treated him and us for the end of life – as I write this, he is 16 years old !.
These types of diseases are treated expectantly, or as they happen and that is why Most of these patients are doing well.
If I gave you an absurd scenario… I would say “if you are climbing a mountain, you could fall and die” Kaiser would push you to your death, this is what happened to Evan & us.
This story is certainly not any way fair to an infant or his mother, and when you have parents desperately asking for medical help from their providers that had a completely and secret agenda for this helpless child, you can only say, these are monsters, real living monsters, but since they share an exclusive knowledge and trust being doctors, they just figure, “the parents will never know”, well, now YOU know. If Evan had died at their hands, I would not be writing this, I would never know and this is how they do it.
Evan would just be this picture on our walls if he succumbed to Kaiser, a baby picture of a sorrow filled event in our lives and a child we really never knew, a mother’s mystery and a sister’s dim memory of a brother that would fill her dreams in the years to come, instead of this, they both have an eternal memory of Kaiser trying to kill an innocent loved one. What is the better memory? We did not have that choice, Kaiser manufactured our future & Evan’s.
They tried to extinguish his life to save a dollar. They knew if Evan died in hospice and we made a discovery later, we would have no case, (in another tab I explain this ”legal” MICRA loophole). The police came to my home twice because of Evan’s condition and drug consumption thinking I was killing my own son-They were sent by the ER who saved Evan’s life. Evan the ER doctor was very concerned WHY Evan was on this cocktail when he had a metabolic condition, but How did we get these drugs ? Hospice, yet the Dr.’s have this vague license to kill him without consequence? Not in MY book. No one told me the drugs were accumulating in Evan’s tiny little body, building up for the “grand final”, but they knew it.
There has been no contact with Kaiser since hospice ended (19 months of hospice), except a survey sent to my home asking me how well hospice helped end our loved one’s life. Furthermore, just recently in 2012, I have Proof that our D N A records were discarded by Kaiser, thrown out! Without us knowing the results. Serious implications for Evan, parents and sister were never disclosed AND I recently acquired them from a strange series of events which show us now the cover up by Kaiser and family planning unknown to us by Kaiser. Your Federal Government said to us, “we are not able to view our own “carrier status”, this document is in this site!. Yet another uniformed civil service worker.
I have them and they are on this site and very, very happy to share them with you.
Evan’s limbs are curving and muscles are tightening and the state cut his treatments because of no improvement. So in the long run, Evan was left with nothing.
So basically Evan was considered by Kaiser as an expensive patient and five doctors were the judge and jury before we knew anything about his present or future condition, so they let the hospice do what they do. I have every record, Medical and hospice and stacks of denials from Kaiser and much more, but I won’t publish them all, just the pages you may like to see.
There is so much more to this story, and I have just skimmed over many things to keep your attention, this site will grow as days pass. I really want to point out that the Medical Board of California is so corrupt and useless, that I will be building that subject more than others. They have a main office in Sacramento and several small offices scattered all over this state and they serve themselves, not the public in ANY capacity. They collect fees from doctors, over 60 million a year, they told me “MY SON IS DEAD” in a letter, “you will see this also” in this site.
The Medical Board’s President was also a high ranking (when I say ranking, I mean Stench) Kaiser Executive – Sharon Levine
This is probably the most astonishing part of this story since this so called “authority” exists only to protect the second largest employer in the state, Kaiser, and the filthy politics that go along with it. This is a state authority that is meant to protect the public, but very far from it. They are extremely unprofessional and I firmly believe that they exist only to collect fees, employ union work and protect the status quo-Kaiser, yet these “people” are the first word when it comes to enforcement, they are only a source of Fees for the state and no one regulates them. They are in fact, Kaiser employees protecting Kaiser. When you get to the Medical Board tab, keep this in mind, especially after you see their written response.
It is my job to show you their incompetence and danger as an authority, the corruption must end if we are to have a just and fair state and country and to continue finding treatments for our most important asset, our children.
The Medical Board, like Kaiser are not interested in science, only money, protection, & positions. I will & have shown thousands of people these facts and hopefully we can change and get rid of the filth in our state government before it falls in on itself.
This is a very big story on it’s own, I will show you their response to this story, experts, facts and the all the laws that Kaiser broke.
In the OATH; “first, do no Harm”: “that it is more important not to harm your patient, than to do them good”
Quote; “What do you do when you try to play by the rules and a hospital does this to you & yours?, then the state & Feds protect these monsters!. All the while you have half the country including illegals getting free medical care!, this seems to only be getting worse and I am sorry for us.”
Lonny G,, I T Professional
“This story reminds me of what we may become. I do not consider these physicians my colleagues. We have acquired exclusive medical knowledge in the footsteps of great people, and to use this knowledge to euthanize an infant and hurt this family is an obvious with the details present in this story. The abuse is often not spoke of and this must change”. Dr. J.F. Researcher & M.D.