Kaiser Hospice doctor, Kaiser drug dispensary, Perjurer.

Brumley Certified Evan to die SEVEN TIMES over a 19 month long hospice.

He came once to open hospice, told us Evan had 2 or 3 months to live, and stated “these kids typically die in 6 months” . There is No clinical information any of his statements are true, anywhere even today 13 years later. He walked into our home and made it up, as he has done his entire career. It’s easy to say this when you are prescribing drugs against life

2 visits in between this one, and his last visit to conclude hospice = total 4X visits over 19 months.

In court he stated he had 90 + patients in his hospice program during Evan’s hospice

Brumley also stated in court that he never said Evan was dying or when, but yet his testimony contradicts itself. Here:

You can read some testimony of Brumley’s “buddy” in Dr. Michael Mitchell drop down in this section “The Bad” It is scary stuff.

When I reached-out to Brumley just after “we” the parents Weaned Evan off Brumley’s concoction of drugs, and all symptoms ceased he continued to certify Evan to die several more times. We now know this was to continue receiving Federal hospice monies. Evan was 9 months old when we finally ended Brumley’s drug regime, but unfortunately after Evan’s devastating overdose. The ER doctor (outside of Kaiser walls) was the one who prompted us to stop the drugs, Dr. Kevin Tubbs was wondering WHY Evan was being given so many hard core drugs with a metabolic condition, he even called the police, I was dragged out of my home, my home was searched and my wife and 6 year old were questioned and terrified, but all we knew was Evan was dying according to Brumley and his inept nurses. Evan is alive today because of Tubbs and another Phd that helped us wean Evan over 2 months. Evan suffered again with withdrawal symptoms that are unimaginable torture to an infant. Later and today Evan’s teeth are a mess. You can Read about this in the Dental tab, the drugs during infancy negatively affect Evan’s teeth today and has undergone Several surgeries. Brumley better hope Evan survives longer than this filth lives.

I have never met such a coward in my life, this Brumley of 3 Arch Bay Laguna Beach, (13 La Senda Laguna Beach Ca) even my lawyer called him a “Weasel” and that sums up his personality. Even after he colluded with his long time medical colleague Dr. Marc McCartin at Bellflower Kaiser resulting in a decade of restraining orders (RO) on myself with the help of judge Michael McCARTIN (brothers/Newport Beach courts), but collusion is what this entire story is about – they were caught, now it all comes out in their words. Brumley still thinks a RO will stop retribution. Please read Dr. Michael Mitchell in the next tab, there are some revelations there and you won’t be disappointed.

This is not a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing – this is a Wimp in Sheep’s clothing relying-on the Cult of Kaiser to bail him out, he could never do this on his own, or admit he didn’t care. Even my lawyer called Brumley a cowardly person.

So, does this Kaiser hospice director have any publications? Has he helped the world? Yes, but it has been taken-off the web and here it is: COMING SOON….

It is about using “Home Made Morphine suppositories” to save money, and Morphine in the medical theater is not expensive, in our case there is no dosing information for an infant, but there is plenty of studies where morphine can overdose an infant vs an adult using this method. Brumley doesn’t know any of this (except from me) b/c he ran a Geriatric hospice, he is not a pediatric doctor, but he is very good at killing potentially expensive patients according to his nurse Casella who was the 3rd Kaiser employee to commit Perjury. Casella stated that she knows of no one who survived Kaiser hospice under Brumley’s command. He is a killer doing what he is told by Kaiser, but he is so comfortable, he has developed a false sense of “helping the dying” just like he helped here signing-on to Evan’s Death Cert in 2007 and Evan is 15 years old today ! This is what we refer to as a HACK.

Status: Active (Since 11/29/2006)


NPI Number


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#Taxonomy CodeTaxonomy SpecialtyLicense NumberLicense State
1207QG0300XGeriatric MedicineG40582CA

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Title or Position: HACK

Detailed Information

NPI Number 1144397084 has the “Individual” type of ownership and has been registered to the following primary business legal name (which is a provider name or healthcare organization name) —

 RICHARD D. BRUMLEY M.D.. Records indicate that the provider gender is “Male”. The enumeration date of this NPI Number is 11/29/2006. NPI Number information was last updated on 06/05/2012.

The provider is physically located (Business Practice Location) at:



92704-6948, US

RICHARD D. BRUMLEY M.D. can be reached at his practice location using the following numbers:

Phone: 714-619-8777

Fax: 714-619-8770

The provider’s official mailing address is:



92704-6948, US


13 La Senda

Laguna Beach (3 Arch Bay)