This site is dedicated to Evan.

This innocent little boy is a victim. Evan is rare not just by disease, but that Evan is alive and the first victim to survive this treatment, and we tell you how they did this. This is a story about Collusion within Kaiser & our Law makers.


  A   “MUST”   READ – the entire page.

Genuine Court documents below

 I call this page “The Cowards of Collusion, the Predator Page”

 “There is also no existence as “A Necessary Evil”, but evil will tell you otherwise.


On this page Evil is explained in detail, with legal documents, not hearsay.


This Evil is Kaiser







     Read and learn


 These “people”  behind a judicial facade.  They reap through others despair while breaking laws we assume are adhered to by the just, while being paid to be unjust


        I have paperwork stating Hospice was using ONLY my membership funding, Yet Kaiser WAS taking federal hospice funding behind our backs, (1) this is why the Super long hospice term – greed. (Average hospice lasts between 2 weeks and 2 months), and today, Our son is currently heading toward his 18th birthday ! Sound normal to you? 19 month long hospice? of course not!

Included in this collusion:  hospice Nurse Casella, Dr. Michael Mitchell, Dr. John Brandon, Dr. Suresh Gurbani – too many to list.  I’ve committed no crime – yet, but I’ve had over a 13 years of restraining orders by Kaiser due to the filth above.

That would make ME quite a criminal type you would think?


Eventually this will come – to them



This site is not my opinion.

I own their Testimony, their false witness, the    Court    Documents, Perjuries & now their souls they have abandoned.

Cutting through the Many things I have to say about the Sub-Humans below know this,



This site Could Not exist, shown to the public, if it Were Not True


Kaiser and their creeps in many legislative & Law positions would not allow it to be read, it would be



Well, it is Defamation



The real reason it exists is because they would need to sue me in an OPEN court, not a Fixxed Kaiser Kangaroo Kourt

This would expose Kaiser, the state, Medical Board, HHS, the lawyers (ALL OF THEM), Judicate West & the hack Judge

to not just collusion, but to several Felonies, Perjuries, Destroying Medical Records.

Below I show you with actual court testimony, images, addresses of these criminals


You rarely see this in politics (except for the last 6 years or so)

I feel My Upper Hand in this case needs to be read by those who care about Justice & cannot find it

This also should be read by those who are planning a case against the Fast Food Medical Giant Kaiser

In this page I have only touched a few of their crimes, but show you the catalyst where it began




T H E     C R I M E S


  When Evan was 2 months old we visited a Kaiser genetic doctor named Dr. Diane Louise BROOME /Sands.

 We trusted our little baby to this monster, no one would ever think that a doctor would have ill intentions toward an infant, but this Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands turned-out to be something I thought never existed. This Kaiser doctor is levels above a pedophile priest, in very sick cruelty on top of egregious future planning-which also tells us she has done this before.

She is clever, at deception, but since Kaiser thought Evan would succumb/die due to Dr. Richard Dee Brumley and his hospice drugs, nothing matters to her.



 Broome’s plan would NEVER be discovered – normally, but I did, with the help of  World Famous Dr. Nyhan and the Renowned Source Lab – Kaiser took advantage of ALL of these Great scientists & completely disregarded their medical science that would normally be shared with “Professional” doctors.



Kaiser’s own Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands Destroyed Evan’s ONLY diagnosis, a Very important Medical Record for Evan, our family, and other children who suffer from health issues. Kaiser, California’s law makers were ALL presented this evidence, but only care for the monies Kaiser dishes-out to political campaigns, unions and position.


This is what happens when one party has control – people die – innocent people, even babies.


the Kaiser reputation is far too profitable than life itself, and IF this “got out” it would hurt Kaiser.



 “It is getting-out”  right here 


This was sent to the Atty. Gen, many legislature members, FBI, DEA, Senate, Congress, the Medical Board of California, but as it turns-out, they are protecting Fast-Food medicine & egregious crimes also, not You & Me, and certainly not the helpless.

In the end, it is only about power and money, Not medicine.


  I need to show this crime to you now – jumping “later” into the story timeline, b/c although this is NOT the only crime/or perjury Kaiser perpetrated, it shows how Kaiser and the State gov. has reached 3rd  world justice, and OUR rights mean nothing to them.




 Three Kaiser employees committed perjury-Dr. Diane Louise BROOME, Dr. Richard Dee BRUMLEY, and Nurse Dyana Casella, All of them are progressively egregious – please read them all , IF YOU WANT TO BE BLOWN AWAY. Nurse Dyana Casella befriended us for over a decade After hospice ended! – to watch us, for Kaiser




        This crime effects not just California, but everyone on this rock.  Kaiser seems to have no problem destroying medical science/Records, not just for Evan, but for others, in this true story they are quite aware of this, yet failed to act.


Kaiser is a  “NOT FOR PROFIT” it is N O T  “NON PROFIT”, very different

it is Theater designed to fool You

  all Kaiser clinics, these doctors are “Kaiser Partners”, they share the monies allotted to them, if they spend LESS, they MAKE MORE $.


This, by itself , is a good reason Not to use Kaiser for anything serious.

On to My Defamation – enjoy





Next, some people who have shitty little lives, they need to make others miserable to

somehow improve their short existence, they try to control the outcome of innocents-the less knowing, here ya go-Monsters do exist


   Diane Louise Broome/Sands

  One of her locations-feel free to write

    61135 Fire Barrel Drive La Quinta Cal. 92253





  At two months and with no diagnosis, Dr. Broome stressed us into using Kaiser hospice, but she completely lied about the hospice role in Evan’s life, but more importantly “OUR” lives.
She had told us that Kaiser hospice was different than “other” hospices’, this would be our “teacher” of this rare condition to help us care for Evan. Death or dying was never in the conversation.


This was her first Egregious lie


Broome stated we would be “taught” what to do in our own home and everything would be supplied through hospice.

The specialists would be in-contact every week. They would be on-call 24/7.

I even have affidavits from 3 people stating these words Broome spoke were conveyed to us, but the court says this is “hearsay”. Broome flat-out LIED. Broome’s description was made to ONLY GET EVAN INTO THEIR HOSPICE AND “GET RID OF/KILL” a potentially expensive patient to help Fill her Giant Pockets and grow her giant rear-end. These affidavits were not allowed into court


 This also set the course for us, (my family) to Never recover anything to help Evan. My lawyer Dan Hodes, the filth Jay Horton at the abhorrent Judicate West, Kaiser, and a long list of California criminals knew this could lead to another (of thousands of cases) to show the REAL Kaiser and the above pockets holding their hands out.


  Broome spoke of Autosomal Dominant Inheritance (ADI) she spoke of this to us in 2007, during her deposition of 2016(below), and IN COURT IN 2018 ! Also called ARI which is R=recessive.


  ADI is where two parents give their offspring a disease, it’s very simple. Any offspring not affected by this condition would also be a “Carrier” which means in this case, our 6 year old daughter IS a carrier too, at least this is what we were told, and WHY would a doctor lie about something like this?



Below, Diane Louise Broome/Sands is such a piece of Shit, her crimes allowed me to expose More people into this collusion  of breaking our Laws/Felonies/HIPPA/Mail Fraud/Perjuries –>endless laws broken



  This first and ONLY genetic visit to Diane Louise Broome’s office was when she introduced Kaiser hospice to us, but with full misrepresentation AND without a diagnosis !



She also lied about this. Unfortunately we did not understand molecular genetics at this time, but we were about to – well after Kaiser’s version of Dr. Kevorkian->Dr. Richard Dee Brumley of Laguna Beach destroyed Evan’s life.


Hospice was Broome’s “Go To” and easy default, and she denied this in deposition and court, but I had caught her and already knew her crimes (Below)



  Here are the real documents  (many I will show you) to build this site into the most important healthcare scam in the USA effecting the world, and directly affecting our most precious>our children.



Introducing a Monster

Like the Nazi’s in the 40’s, they hunted down & murdered children & adults with disabilities, today at

Kaiser (name appropriate BTW) the disabled can walk through the front door, but this is not done for racial cleansing,

it is for money. A masquerade of Hacks posing as specialists. No race can escape disabilities, even if you eliminate the current population, and this is where Kaiser differs, it is done for dollars, and in our case that includes a complete lack of

Medical Science & Integrity

Below Right: Ugly people do Ugly things

                                                                                                                                              “ THE WICKED FLEE WHEN NO ONE PURSUES “

                                          61135 Fire Barrel Drive La Quinta Cal. 92253

  Above is Broome describing our carrier status-this was never true and she had no idea about this condition, Broome’s deception was designed to make things worse for us and to euthanize Evan. THIS TESTIMONY IS FROM 2016, and the same was stated in 2018, BELOW YOU WILL SEE SHE IS LYING THROUGH HER YELLOW TEETH, an egregious lie that changed our lives forever-a true Monster-a Sub-Human.




  Above, What she states here is a lie,  (AUTOSOMAL RECESSIVE/or ARI), she did tell us we were “Carriers” >Wife, Me, & our daughter, she knew otherwise – we were not!. Everyone has Hydroxyglutaric Acid in our blood (HGA), but Evan has more than you or I.


Here’s the catch:

This Diane Broome does nothing out of her decades at Kaiser, she is not a researcher/scientist like the many I have contacted, and IF she was, she would know that there is a common & deadly brain cancer/tumor that actually excretes excess HGA. More of this in this site later.


  ARI means (in our case) that two parents give the gene to our offspring, But this was NEVER true according to the Medical Records Broome Destroyed. Kaiser does not have this type of sophisticated laboratory, but Kaiser uses them, they have to as they do not invest in sophisticated Labs or the brilliant people running them.




**** Dr. Broome   received   these   results,   then   Destroyed   them****



Broome’s admission would also mean our daughter is a carrier, but much later we found this was not true either.


We found this proof  7 years after Evan’s birth !



Keep in mind the Great Kaiser knows ALL these facts, then much later found that we made this discovery, as does the criminal arbitrator Jay Cordell Horton at Judicate West, Atty Gen Becerra and “many” others – they do not care –

Children and Science is not of their concern.


  Evan could’ve had cancer, Kaiser never tested for this, nor did Broome even know this existed, all she has nurtured is her growing giant rear-end.

We would know 7 years later though. I had to sit on this discovery for several years before court.

How many children has she destroyed?

How many times has Kaiser destroyed medical science over money? To make more money?

They did.


 These next documents prove these crimes, and prove HOW everyone who was alerted to these crimes have done nothing, and will do nothing-ever!


Below, a short timeline then Dr. Broome’s CRIMES proven, yet ignored.

A   killer   walks   away



Even your office of “civil rights” backed-off this case and claimed they had no jurisdiction, they do what all the others do, they ignore it b/c they can, but they will ALWAYS accept your donations – they are useless when needed.


  With all the complaints I filed, to all these GOV agencies presenting this perfect evidence, not one came to our assistance. Fact is, you are very alone because of all the collusion between them protecting a “money lender” like Kaiser & Unions- money for favors.



  In Late 2012 (5 years after Evan’s birth) I met Dr. W.L. Nyhan. (The Godfather of Metabolic Medicine) Nyhan trained the scientists of this fantastic Lab in Amsterdam-Amsterdam VU/University, Netherlands and MANY others around the world. Among Metabolic Physicians, Published/practicing Geneticists, Mitochondrial experts, Nyhan is greatly admired around the world.


 You can read Nyhan’s CV in the Arbitration Brief, an Amazing Physician. Everyone in this field of study (and outside of this field) knows of William Leo Nyhan, he invented the identification processes of many metabolic conditions. He has discovered several conditions and has been honored with several awards that only a few Physicians can be named in medical history.


A few conditions carry Nyhan’s name. Even Kaiser’s “experts” called him an “ICON”, yet they stated in court “Nyhan is wrong this one time” b/c Kaiser’s experts have to win, and they derive 40% of their incomes from Kaiser arbitrations!

 Nyhan was one of my experts in court. You can quote him below in “court testimony”

Here is how the Kaiser crimes were discovered:

 Three of my experts stated these same feelings/facts, but the corrupt court at Judicate West could never recognize such admissions without losing Kaiser’s “future litigation$



“There is NO Money in Honesty 

All honesty will get you is Integrity, Respect, and Self-Worth”




  Nyhan wanted to do his own research with Evan for the next two years, but Nyhan could NOT find a diagnosis in Kaiser records to begin, Evan is 5 years old by this time, but heavily damaged from Kaiser hospice and Kaiser’s medical Hack Dr. Richard Dee Brumley of Laguna Beach 3 arch bay.

This Rat was referred as a “Weasel” by several respected doctors



  Evan’s blood and urine could possibly help future HGA patients, even cancer patients. Agios labs also wanted Evan’s blood for brain cancer research, but this research was already too much for Evan-thanks to Kaiser’s (and Dr. Richard Brumley) stealth Hospice program .

Evan does not have any cancers.

  We did this study, it was the first and ONLY of its kind, and we dropped Evan’s already low levels down by 65%!.

Meaning, IF the trial was completed it would help others

 The damage Evan suffered due to Kaiser hospice caused us to stop this research so it could not reach the public, or real scientists.


Below is a test direct from the Amsterdam Lab that Nyhan needed, this was Evan’s diagnosis. He was born in 2007, this was first seen in late 2012, 5 years later-we had no idea it existed – Kaiser had destroyed this record, and it is proven below.


  After Kaiser’s Stealth euthanization program, a few surgeries from hospice drugs (Evan’s teeth rotting away from drugs), and after the very damaging overdose (26 minutes W/O oxygen) Evan is now 5 in this story line, 5 years longer than Kaiser’s Death prognosis. (To date currently, Evan is 17 years old in 2024 – He was Never dying)


  Nyhan found NO Diagnosis in Kaiser records, (this is Fact)


They were NOT there, so he called the Amsterdam lab who he had trained and they immediately sent this result – it is addressed to Kaiser-specifically Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands of Kaiser. She opened hospice at 3 months old and *she Did Not have a Diagnosis*, but she sure had a Prognosis!


They were going to Kill Evan, as they have done many times before him.

  We Never saw this Diagnosis until Nyhan recovered it ! We later found

**Kaiser’s Dr. Broome destroyed this medical record**


ALL of this info you are about to read was seen by the below authorities & more>>>>> ALL OF IT ! And in court, then I found the next group of egregious criminals, California protecting Kaiser at all costs. The actual Diagnosis WAS NOT what Kaiser told us! This altered our family plans greatly.




  The HHS, Medical Board Calif., office of civil rights, senators, congress, Atty General and many many more.

They ALL were sent this proof after trial, felonies, perjury by Kaiser, so many laws broken


   I even flew to the Medical Board w a court reporter to document these egregious breeches in federal law.

This document is available.

  The medical board ignored all Kaiser crimes.


  The California Medical Board is nothing more than a money collector, they DO NOT go after Kaiser, in fact you could say “they are Kaiser” b/c of how they “seed” the Medical Board w their own collaborators.

More of this in the Medical Board chapter


 WHY is this important? Because the medical board WILL GO AFTER private doctors and other hospital systems to give Kaiser an even bigger edge over their competitors, Yet they are Fast Food Medicine

They must do this because of Kaiser’s inept medical ability, I’ve seen it and documented it, a pathetic state of affairs.



If you are a private citizen with a serious complaint, you will go nowhere, and trust me, if you are in this position, You will be more knowledgable than the the medical board by “light years”,  just as most other hospitals are “light years” ahead of Kaiser in care and most importantly, Physicians.



The president of the medical board (at this time was Sharon Levine – Kaiser executive) The MBC employees are truly “Yes” people and are ignorant to logic and morals. Below is the medical record we found 5 years later, this was purposly destroyed by Kaiser.




 I   couldn’t   show   you   or   make   these   statements   if   it  wasn’t   true  < think about that






This  Medical  Record  below  was  Destroyed  by  Kaiser





          This was recovered by me, sent by the Laboratory Directly to me, which is Very unusual, but it came 7 years after Evan’s birth, after the Lab discovered Kaiser Destroyed it and Lied to the Lab, and then Below this, another record also presented in Court Discovered 7 years after Evan’s birth !


Many of these records that proved Kaiser’s crimes were sent directly to me by the Outside Laboratory after the Lab discovered Kaiser not only lied to the lab and destroyed their science, but Kaiser DID NOT enter the results into Evan’s and my family’s records.

Kaiser also knew that My efforts to use other hospitals before and during hospice would lead to nothing. I had found that top tier hospitals will not take Kaiser cases, Kaiser will not pay for outside talent. Kaiser even made an effort to CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County) and told them “the father may be dangerous”< another Kaiser tactic

The door was shut-on us to receive help elsewhere, out of state and even out of country. This is also why Kaiser installed hospice so quickly – to eliminate a potentially expensive patient.

“IF” you carry insurance from another plan, you will be turned away. Turned away from professional help.




We finally acquired this test 5 years after Evan’s birth-this ruined our family plans to have our planned children


TYPE 2, What is it?

Is what this test states: Meaning? Type 1 is inherited from two parents – Type 2 is solely the patient, no one else is a carrier.   This IS the first time we are seeing a diagnosis from anywhere, and 5 years later! Yet without a diagnosis!

And by destroying this vital record, imagine the affects of this lie to a growing/planning a family thinking we are “Carriers”




Kaiser’s “team” then proceeded to certify Evan 6 MORE TIMES TO DIE over the next 13 months (19 total) in order to $teal Federal Hospice funds, Kaiser did this.


I know this sounds insane, but You can read the proof right here



This was  w a y  beyond the Hospice contract I had in hand, but Kaiser did this w/o our knowledge like so many crimes you will see in this site.


After the severely damaging Overdose, Evan is now Blind & Quad at 6 months old, we had completely weaned Evan off of Dr. Richard Brumley and his death drugs and all Evan did was improve, but the damage was done. He is the same in 2022.


All Kaiser employees were aware of this, yet it continues in 2024 with unsuspecting families.

Kaiser was relying on a false diagnosis to euthanize our infant, they did not have a diagnosis when Evan was installed into hospice, then given 2/3 months to live @ 3 months old.

This “MEGA” crime is only the beginning of Kaiser crimes

  I was in contact with the Amsterdam Lab in late 2007, sharing as many patients (photos-outcome) of this condition, a diet we started, just anything I could get my hands-on, photos of 42 patients I knew, and Amsterdam was answering me the next day,

**but all of a sudden Amsterdam Stopped our relationship.



They would not answer me no matter how many times I emailed or called.

So what changed Amsterdam’s intense interest in the many patients I had contacted – in Evan?



Amsterdam University does the diagnosis for patients around the world, they do not/cannot access these patients unless the patients doctor fills-in the data – which is in part of the science

  Amsterdam did send this diagnosis to Kaiser-twice ! and why is it so important to us?

  This test allowed us to have our 3rd child, it also shows that none of us (aside from Evan)

  WE ARE NOT CARRIERS! We could’ve had our 3rd Child w/o fear



The opposite was written & told to us in records by Kaiser’s Dr. Diane Louise Broome! without a diagnosis, AT HER DEPOSITION, AND LATER IN COURT.




Below you can view Broome’s deposition and court testimony-she breaks the laws in many ways and several times, she should be jailed,  but this is Kaiser. I have these FULL depositions if you would like to read them.

  Her perjury is extensive, it’s not all here in this site, but IF you need it for journalism, I will supply


  Evan is a type 2 determined by the blood we sent to Amsterdam, but we did not know, and by this time we could not have anymore children, it was too late for us!

Too many years had passed and We did not want to take the risk, so we then and today cannot have another child, and Amsterdam would not talk to me, –>Why??


 This was not Amsterdam’s fault, the communication “shut-down”, it was a devised plan explained HERE, orchestrated by Kaiser’s Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands



 Amsterdam’s “Mentor” Dr. Nyhan became Evan’s own doctor, what lucky FATE – We had probably the finest/most knowledgable Physician on the planet


  We wanted 3 children five years apart and when this test reached “Our then hack Doctor” Diane Broome, it would’ve allowed our family plans to continue on schedule, we were told by Broome we were ALL carriers, & our older daughter was a Carrier – This was a Lie



The test came to Broome’s office directly, This just doesn’t happen.

Broome re directed these test results, by-passing Kaiser’s intake office to hide Evan’s hospice treatment from the Lab.



Broome broke Kaiser’s own protocol and many laws-Felonies.


 The next Document below, Kaiser legal states that there was “no other tests” that came-in, they stated this to the Feds, below.


Here is also another crime by Kaiser legal dept. – this is how far they go to cover-up egregious acts b/c Kaiser has dozens of lobbyists on the DOJ/HHS board ! Why do they need lobbyists? the answer is, they change laws, ignore crimes like this one, and in our case egregiously destroyed our civil rights to have children.


 Below Kaiser is lying to the HHS

 yet You are looking at the proof of this lie. How often does the HHS bail-out Kaiser ?

Below you will see an image of Xavier Becerra/Basura – the calif. atty gen. who ignored these pages 3X,

he is now the Head of the HHS for his criminal abilities.<<<This IS how bad it has become.


We certainly do have filth running our healthcare system, and it is part-of the DOJ!<another criminal organization as proven in 2024



These people CAUSE the healthcare problems, then blame the system they want to socialize and make worse



  This was introduced to the many authorities as I mentioned above-I sent-out about 75 folders right after the trial ended. Broome committed Perjury along with several state and federal crimes as you can plainly see.


 I also sent this AGAIN to the HHS in 2018, they closed it again !

Kaiser has over 60 lobbyists on the HHS/DOJ board, there is no way they would go after Kaiser for breaking egregious laws/destroying science for other children


The authorities are criminals protecting Kaiser, they do not care, or apparently their own children’s future, but I just think they see dollars over their own flesh & blood.


BTW, I am visited/harassed about every 3 years by DOJ officers rummaging through my home


I have had 3 “shakedowns” at MY home by the DOJ, but I showed them w documents how they were pawns by their OWN people above them, they don’t care, they want to keep their jobs –  Cowards.


I have no respect for Law, it has No respect for You no matter what color or creed, it is all about Money and them keeping it so they can pay-off the next problem



Aside from all the cease & desists, they cannot sue me, I have too much evidence to bring to Open court-to implicate too many scumbags, but we are ready if they so choose. In over 5 years, they will not censor me.



  Here is Broome’s only record to us about our Carrier Status – she has already deceived us once, this is number two:

  Here is the medical record given to Kaiser from the source lab telling Kaiser that Amsterdam “already had the needed blood” < this was in Kaiser records! yet Broome wrote this above letter.


She was trying to discourage us from further testing, she knew we were going through pure hell produced by Dr. Richard Brumley, so she spoke of a SKIN BIOPSY (we knew we did not need this according to the source lab, And CHOC Metabolic doctor and Kaiser’s own metabolic Dr. Mardach explained this below letter to us, then she left Kaiser


Mardach left Kaiser, She “HAD ENOUGH” eq.

Her leaving Kaiser had now whittled the fast food medical giant down to only ONE Metabolic doctor in ALL of Kaiser’s California system !

That itself is a medical crime. Mardach ended-up at a responsible health system to continue her Science.

Again, Kaiser relies on OUTSIDE sources for unordinary conditions, they don’t want to pay for Advanced Physicians and do not have the Sophisticated Labs to do so. This is also why they Bought legislation so YOU cannot sue them for having Hacks like the Above/Below “Broome”

Onward to her crimes…


  Below: Here is my request to Amsterdam to Find proof that Broome destroyed our records, destroyed medical science. THIS PROVES THE CRIME. Amsterdam, by this time, already knew of Kaiser’s crimes, but I had to request them in legal form to get their response (This was Amsterdam’s request), So I did, They had the Proof Broome destroyed our records!

  My request to Amsterdam (in 2014 ) to look for old records, was prompted by me talking to Dr. Nyhan. Nyhan met Amsterdam’s head scientist in Leon France during his world lecture, Nyhan also decided to represent us at our trial b/c science has been basically “raped” by Kaiser, and the Lab that Nyhan trained was “pissed-on” by Kaiser


The head scientist from Amsterdam now understood that Kaiser’s Dr.  Broome had lied to her lab, it wasn’t me who wouldn’t share data, it was Broome, so I initiated the request in the letter below, they were very happy to search this for me.



 They found the crime – Amsterdam was beside themselves that a medical doctor would actually do this. This is Why Amsterdam would not take my messages years back, they thought I would Not Share Data ! It was Dr. Broome who lied to the Lab !


  Keep in mind, these Old records are from 2010, it is now 2014 in the timeline.

Amsterdam keeps these in paper form and in email. Broome cut-me-off of Amsterdam when she told the Lab “I wouldn’t share Data”(2010) – I would share anything to help my son ! and I did up to the date when the diagnosis actually came in, but Labs do not send results to patients(Broome knows this), only to the patients doctor/s >then Broome schemed her next egregious crimes.

 Think about this email Amsterdam has sent to me.

Amsterdam Never sends Tests or Documents to “Patients”, it’s not practiced, but Here it is.  Read  the  Last  line  again ..

“I trust that this information is useful and sufficient in helping You with Your next course of action”…….

What are they saying here? Amsterdam has spent Millions on this Lab, hired the finest minds in Medicine – Molecular Geneticists. They eat and drink discovery – Literally Helping afflicted all over the world, publishing each case study to help another. Not only is this University one of the best in the entire world, this Lab is the University’s Top Dog.

Testing is developed, even treatments, for rare conditions, this Lab is known around the world and their original Mentor is W.L. Nyhan, my expert witness in this case.



Kaiser has a taken one of the world’s most prestigious medical laboratories and disregarded / destroyed their work just so Kaiser can eliminate a potentially expensive patient- an infant, and a few Kaiser doctors can make a few extra bucks. What it did was expose is how many people/Americans are only in it for the money-over life & laws.

To reiterate, I explained that we tried to go out of state, even out of country to get knowledgeable help for our son, but “If you have current Kaiser insurance”, you will not get what you need elsewhere, Kaiser knows this, so it is easier and cost effective for Kaiser to euthanize the patient, To kill a baby .




Here is the Amsterdam Lab Asking Kaiser’s Dr. Broome TWICE to comply with Amsterdam research (Free research BTW). This would also be OUR timeline to complete our family plans-our planned 3rd child, but we have zero idea this is even going-on in 2010 !

Amsterdam had sent this by mail to Kaiser with zero response, then they sent an email. Amsterdam had no idea Dr. Broome had changed the addresses directly to her office so no one else would see it, this way she could dispose of it, the record department would never see it.

Dr. Broome, during testimony had total recall of the events in 2007, but this is received by her in 2010, and she writes to Amsterdam to lie, to cover her tracks, and most of all to discredit me.

  Here we see Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands did not think I would find her Breeches. How many breeches?  I can see FELONIES, HIPAA, Wire Fraud, Slander, Multiple Perjuries, & Medical Record Destruction ! these are felonies !  many other breeched laws could be cited here.



This email is what shows, and begins all of the Kaiser deceit all the way back to Evan’s birth. When this was introduced in Court the Kaiser defense started shuffling around like they were looking for something they didn’t have.

This offensive Louis DeHaas (Kaiser’s very uncouth lawyer) decided to come after ME as a liar and tried to have ALL my testimony removed from record.


Of course that is ridicules at best, but like I said before, Kaiser doesn’t need good lawyers, only dishonest one’s b/c they  have  “the Few” med/mal lawyers in Calif  competing for Kaiser malpractice cases like vermin to trash.

The DeHaas law firm was about as coherent as Biden 2022

Court was a constant of repeating things, off topic, confusion, wrong order – embarrassing at best, then to eliminate ME from testimony, past and present




  BELOW, Kaiser’s Dr. Diane Broome/Sands lies to the lab



 Kaiser’s Dr. Broome Quote to the Lab:

“I would very much like to further studies on this rare condition,Unfortunately the patient WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO RELEASE THE CLINICAL INFORMATION AT THIS TIME. THIS MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE. I WILL KEEP YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE FOR REFERENCE” eq.



All this time the Lab knew me by my first name, but they would not send results to me until they realized (in 2014)

Kaiser was lying to them   (Seven long years   After   Evan was born !!!!!).

So in this first sentence she wants to help with further study, but she states (ME) the father will not release the data.


All I wanted was to help our baby and that is why I was in contact with Amsterdam since 2007 !

Broome/Kaiser didn’t want to tell Amsterdam (in the questionnaire) what they did to Evan because it was just to kill him, and Kaiser’s Dr. Richard Dee Brumley’s death drugs did to Evan –

Kaiser destroyed medical science, & our son Evan’s life



Kaiser did no follow-up’s w experts “in the know” and there are plenty – but not at Kaiser, AND the one person at Kaiser who had this knowledge (Dr. Mardach of Metabolic’s) was left-out of everything-purposly so they could install Evan into hospice



Dr. Mardach left Kaiser after this and she can be quoted “I have had enough” and this is why fine doctors cannot be found at Kaiser. Fine doctors are generally brilliant/caring and I’ve met many, but outside the Barbed fences of Kaiser only.

Broome never told us about this result, she knew the Lab would never send this result directly to the patient, she made-up a story that I would not comply to share data. Below, you will see Diane Broome/Sands lies in court several times

I had Zero idea there was a result, but Broome was the Only one holding this information-she cut-off the Kaiser outside lab procedures that deliver ALL results to all Kaiser doctors who are treating the patient !




According to the Amsterdam lab, Broome changed the addresses and email contacts that the Lab had on file ! This was done to cover-up her crimes



AND,  the reason Amsterdam cut communication with me.

Broome’s lies cut me off from the Lab and Broome knew this would happen, they stopped our communications,

and our plans for a third child was now gone!

The Amsterdam Lab didn’t know why Broome changed the addresses, and who are they to know what goes where?



Amsterdam assumed, like all of us would, A doctor would never do anything to hurt an infant or destroy records, but this was happening and only Broome would know — until 2014, eight years later.



We had not seen or talked to Broome since 2007 – we were seeing very competent Physicians at CHOC, but kept Evan’s Kaiser membership through 2013 so I could learn everything about this fast food medical giant

She lied to the Lab, destroyed their science, stopped our family plans, Kaiser legal lied to the Human Health Services, (above) that there were no “other” tests completed, but HERE You see it, and we also see Broome knew about it when she answered the Lab, but none of this reached our medical records-ever.

This was Evan’s ONLY diagnosis, and my family’s, yet they found a prognosis ! DEATH……

This is Kaiser, the Real Kaiser

   To make Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands even MORE sinister, she wrote into MY  WIFE’S records that we were all CARRIERS after she received the 2010 diagnosis from Amsterdam !  



Kaiser was notified of this directly by me, as was so many authorities – no one cared, yet Kaiser claims how they “really care”, and they are “On the cusp of technology”


They are only Medical Criminals

You can see here Kaiser using outside labs, then altering/destroying the results, the only ” Team” for your baby is their lawyers, not some theater created on TV and radio.


 We ended-up with more criminals overseeing Justice itself, I had found I was surrounded by criminals – Nasty crimes ignored and now the overseers have become criminals also.



I had No idea Kaiser had lobbied into their OWN judicial system!

A Private court, closed to normal justice and overseen by retired lawyers who know where their paycheck comes.

Kaiser pays directly for all the injustice




Be sure to Read Dr. Richard Brumley and Dyana Casella, they also committed PERJURIES, yet suffered no ill effects thanks to your legislature and Kaiser’s money, and of course the Atty. Gen ignoring the evidence sent to him 3X.  


Arbitration = no open court, no witnesses

 Something you are stuck with IF you are a Kaiser member.

CHOC children’s gives you a choice to NOT arbitrate.



 For those who do not know what arbitration is, it is an independent body (the OIA in Kaiser’s case) who hears Kaiser and ONLY Kaiser cases, Yes, another criminal organization that survives solely on Kaiser litigation.

In other words, Kaiser hears and controls their own cases, And pays them directly

 Imagine how you would feel after proving the source perpetrator was lying all the time, has committed serious/multiple crimes, and the people you are supposed to depend-on become one-in-the-same. Everyone is a criminal! 

 Your idea of “America” has just been shattered.

 You’re standing in a sea of Refuse, and they all know it, they created it.

 They have conspired for money on an infants back and ignored laws we are supposed to take for granted.

Everyone is living in lies, and even an infant is disregarded, children you can’t see have been refused by life itself so a wolf can buy it’s clothing. They know it, now You know it.






Not much worse than that short of murder, this story IS about murder, at least intended.

So with the evidence of Diane Broome’s Crimes you were just shown, HIPAA, Federal, State laws broken to name a few, the judge Jay Cordell Horton decided to ignore the laws governing Your safety and not site this medical hack Diane Broome.

If he did, Evan would have received lifetime care, but if Cordell did what he was supposed to do, he would lose Kaiser’s favor and wouldn’t be booked year-round with Kaiser malpractice cases.


Broome WAS the doctor who sent Evan to Hospice


You would think that would end the case in our favor, but this is not a justice system, it is a sham with all the legal lingo, it is run by upper echelon trailer trash like Judicate West, the OIA, Kaiser, medical board, and so many political hacks from California


Cordell did site the hack doctor Richard Brumley, but the medical board ignored these breeches as they do with most Kaiser cases. Cordell is nothing more than a broken down ex-lawyer with an opportunity to steal money, ignore our laws till the day he dies, then I piss on his grave.


 BELOW: This is how far this Kaiser Monster “rolled” with her lies. Dr. Diane Broome writes into Evan’s mothers records TWICE. First in 07, then in 2010.

 She never examined Evan’s mother ! or called, or anything !

Broome just “rolled” with the lies she first wrote to extinguish an infant’s life, How would I find-out? I did.

 She even knew what she wrote IS A COMPLETE LIE, yet wrote it


 The above records directly prove this, she knew we were NOT carriers, we had no idea


 I ordered these records on a hunch, never thought I would find such criminal activity, but I did. Keep in mind, these records are being seen by EVERYONE, the courts, all the so-called authorities, even the Medical Board!  


 Not one person, not one doctor, not one political hack, or atty. Gen. (Basura) Becerra even acknowledged these crimes, incredible crimes ! and You still have Kaiser insurance?



 Even with the most egregious Medical crimes, you cannot win, but you can find Kaiser’s Mob of filth in these pages.


Their actions Will bring more crime – – To Them.

Now Go Bring Your Child to Kaiser.

Here how it works internally:
 All outside tests go to an office in L.A., then get distributed to your treating doctors.

This did not happen in our case


 So at this time, Evan’s other doctors would never know his diagnosis and we can’t have children b/c Broome is holding the information that allows us to have our 3rd child !


 When Broome talked with Amsterdam in 2007 she had changed the mailing address and fax to her own office – Amsterdam would not know the difference in addresses or numbers, so it was the perfect crime, then 7 years later Amsterdam became aware and sent these emails to me in hopes that I could nail her and Kaiser to a tree, the crime Kaiser committed was beyond anything in medicine.


 The lab was outraged, they earlier believed Broome b/c why would she lie?

A so-called medical doctor, but this is Kaiser, not Amsterdam.

I’ve met these Amsterdam scientists, they “live” for their craft and appreciate helping the unfortunate, it makes them feel good. Kaiser is only about money and saving it, no matter who is hurt.


 She lied as to not tell the lab what they had done to Evan at 3 months old-she schemed this b/c Evan survived Kaiser and their “hitman/murderer” Dr. Richard Brumley (hospice) drugs. Brumley is not at Kaiser now, but what a hack.


 Below are just a few of Broome’s testimony from 2018>


 THIS IS PERJURY & she broke HIPAA laws as proven by the above documents, but these documents (PERJURY also in Broome’s 2016 deposition) where I had my lawyer ask a few key questions and in different ways to give absolute proof that this doctor is as dishonest and as dangerous as they come.


 READ LINE 19 through 22 Here is where Broome commits one of many PERJURIES/CRIMES. There was much more questioning on this, but Broome’s “NO” is all you need to see how many laws this Monster has breeched, I have other pages of Broome’s testimony/Perjury.

Page 2 Line 8 (page 96) will not correlate with the above pages.


Keep in mind, these are genuine pages from court, if they were not, I could not show them.

These crimes are extensive and very serious.


We know how HIPAA laws are emphasized in ALL factions of medical law and learning, and the warnings and penalties are  vast – it is a federal/state crime, but here we have so many more crimes just in these few words she spoke to Amsterdam, you can see her planning,“it has been done before”.


Below I will explain what happened to this evidence and why this doctor (who sent Evan away to hospice) was never convicted of these very serious crimes. Her intent was to eliminate a potentially expensive patient, one that would harm her “extra” monies from Kaiser. This was the “Stab in the Back” by MY lawyer Dan Hodes of Hodes/Millman law firm-he stabbed me & my sure winning case.




The Very HIPAA laws she broke prevent us from finding other victims.

This is what happens when an HMO makes their doctors “Partners” and Kaiser’s money buys legislation & legislators.

Back story



 Before I signed with my lawyer, the neutral, Jay Cordell Horton had ruled against Kaiser,

(I know about this case details) & (according to my lawyer)


Kaiser legal dept. sent Horton a letter threatening to cut-off Horton and Judicate West out of Kaiser litigations.

 Kaiser buys the legislators decisions-explained in the “MICRA” page. This was a BRIBE from Kaiser to the judicial system, Kaiser’s OWN judicial system also called the OIA- Office  of  *Independent  Administrator<this would not exist if Kaiser did not lobby it into Calif. Law, but it does. How “Independent?” this thing runs alone for Kaiser alone.



 My lawyer Dan Hodes told all of this to me assuring me we would cut-off Kaiser at it’s legs w my egregious discoveries.

 So Kaiser bribes the neutral with this letter, then Kaiser gets away with horrendous crimes beyond our imagination, and its nothing new.


 This letter Kaiser wrote to the neutral will never be admitted by either side, they will say I “made it up” “Your lawyer never stated this”.

I must be a fiction writer, but I am not, and I would NEVER lie about something regarding my infant child or any other child.



 The reason I was told this is fate, and the other reason is to show you that there is egregious collusion. No one will ever view this letter b/c it’s really a bribe/illegal act by Kaiser.


You don’t share exclusive inside information with a client, when you do it bites back, it was shared with me and it will be denied.


Then, My Lawyer Dan Hodes stabbed me in the back to further his retirement as a Neutral with the help of his lover Jay Cordell Horton



 If my lawyer had stood-up and protested these Crimes, I would respect his integrity-but he forced me to publish by sticking by his dynamic that I see as an abhorrent act committed by Dan Hodes of Hodes and Millman law in Irvine calif.



 This is why the neutral Horton stalled his decision for 3 months, he wanted (a) statute to run-out on Dr. Broome, her destruction of our medical records I discovered in 2012 and proved in 2014. This  crime  stopped  us  from  having  our  3rd  child and no one did a thing (I assumed Horton was a “real” judge,

he is just another Judicate West criminal)-a certified scumbag.



During MY deposition (2016) I stated “Kaiser stopped us from having our third child”.

This declaration is a prime target for Kaiser’s scumbag lawyers to attack, exploit, and make ME out to be irrational, but they did not. They never even mentioned it during trial – Why? Because they knew Kaiser doctor/s committed several severe crimes/felonies (Dr. Broome) and will not allow this to go on record, but it was presented as an exhibit near the end of trial (this is what I recorded, video & audio-illegally)


This proof is what I will soon publicly present showing how this very judicial system (if you want to call it that) is extremely corrupt and criminal.




 Dr. Broome committed Perjury in 2016 (depositions) and again in 2018 (court) above in this chapter (as did Dr. Brumley & Nurse Casella) – you can see how evil this doctor really is (as if this is not enough), and you can see how everyone is “in on this” and the reason these pages are being published.

It’s all about damage control, and we are just victims w/o justice, due process or civil rights.



 This Letter written to Neutral Horton by Kaiser legal was explained to my brother and I “BY MY LAWYER” after I signed the contract to sue Kaiser


 I am only telling my story, what I was told, and the truth.


Give an ex lawyer $90k for just one case, he has already made his decision.


This piece of shit Cordell below knows Dr. Broome’s credibility is garbage because it was presented to him, yet she sent Evan off to die by the hands of another POS Dr. Richard D Brumley of Kaiser Hospice.


Their crimes are unheard of, all we wanted was justice and care for Evan, but the unethical and greedy Jay Horton has his masters, and it’s more $90 k paydays from Kaiser.

A Turd in Lawyer’s clothing. Be sure to write to this Criminal:

1806 Port Stanhope place. Newport Beach Ca. 92660

This creep has several AKA’s


1806 Port Stanhope Place  Newport Beach Calif. 92660

public Creepy image

 Why 3 months to make a court decision?


 The following statements are mine, “thinking like a lawyer thinks”(which is pure evil & greed)  The Neutral-Jay Cordell Horton was using   My investigations,   My discovery with the Lab to his benefit, he let Medical Science take a Hit with one greedy decision.



 My big win to take care of Evan was reduced to the neutral  “making a deal with Kaiser” – Pure filth right here.



 Jay Cordell Horton, neutral/ex-lawyer is a friend of my lawyer Dan Hodes(if you so choose to call this a friendship). Horton wanted his friend to get paid, but he also wants to hear  “future” Kaiser cases at Judicate West (90k for my case was his take according to my lawyer)

Judicate took-in 135K, my lawyer was given a check for 302K from Kaiser 3 months after the trial ended.


 They make the Kaiser legal system happy and the victim a forever victim. On the other hand, My lawyer wouldn’t go after the above doctor (Broome) so he just sat on her perjury and felonies for years as to give his friend Jay Cordell Horton his great payday at Judicate West, < Kaiser’s crime affiliate.


 No one gives a rat’s ass about perjury, or felonies, destroyed medical records, or a family’s civil rights, this seems to be the practice at Judicate West, another closed court due to Arbitration clauses



This is only about CONTROL, controlling litigations regardless of laws designed to protect the public, even infants.This is a false court at Judicate West by way of Horton above. They have been given this juristiction by the state of Leftyfornia, to do what they want.







My discovery of Kaiser Crimes was a way for Jay Cordell Horton and Judicate West to close the case and to make a deal with Kaiser to KEEP Illegal decisions inside the walls of this Abhorrent so-called justice.

A Whore House has more integrity.

They used Kaiser’s crimes and created new Crimes, then closed the case and collected their money.

These are not lawyers, just criminals using a Law book-Filth. I do not discount My lawyer either, he could have taken this further, but he WANTS to be part-of this system of criminals>Dan Hodes, Irvine Cal. & resides in Laguna Beach.


This case helped my lawyer gain points to become a future Neutral, that is all he did for Evan & our laws – nothing.







 They all know Kaiser owns the Medical Board and millions of state employees have Kaiser’s fast-food healthcare, even the medical board itself it is egregiously corrupt and inept.



 So the law makes their ill-gotten money and they piss-on justice and our laws.  Due to the CRIMES created by Kaiser, this ex lawyer Cordell had no choice but to make me the victor of this case, he gave me the well deserved win, then let Kaiser get away with attempted murder.


 This was the filthy Horton’s only choice to keep my lawyer and Judicate West in Kaiser’s favor after Kaiser’s letter to him threatening to cut-off litigation at Judicate West.


They used Kaiser’s crimes against our infant to benefit their futures


Judicate West continuous crimes against humanity



 Since these Kaiser cases are NOT up for “Judicial Review”, anyone looking at this case would see that the Plaintiff  Won. Any complaints filed by me would get quickly shoved to the side because of “victim victory”, and we already know how state government is completely “PRO” Kaiser.


 Now, new and more serious crimes are committed by the legal side of this case-the Neutral, Judicate West, even my lawyer, but I won and Justice is just another Dirty word.


Evan received nothing, but he has sacrificed his life so the above filth could secure their positions, & Kaiser sets-up with the next generation of crimes



 This is not “clever” on the the neutrals part, it is just a criminal doing what fits his and his employers agenda – please the one who supplies the money, screw the victims, the Infant, our laws & Medical Science!  


 This is a Banana Republic with criminals as overseers. 


 This “decision” was made to keep Kaiser signing checks to Judicate West and not somewhere else.


 Jay Cordell Horton is (for lack of USING a better word) “is a piece of shit”, and he knows it – sitting right there with Dr. Broome, Judicate West, Atty Gen., Medical Board, and all those legislators that enable these very serious crimes to”pass away” just like the babies and kids who may lose-out on medical science these sub-humans allow.



They are indirect killers practicing lawlessness, not law.



 Seems every creep in GOV protects and keeps Kaiser looking innocent while Kaiser breeds garbage doctors and protects their True criminal records from blemish, this also hurts anyone who brings a case against one of these doctors.




 I’ve studied Kaiser and other cases outside Kaiser and have found that most malpractice cases are REPEAT OFFENDERS, but not at Kaiser, their bad records are ignored by the medical board and often never recorded as in this case, so if you are concerned about your Childs doctor at Kaiser,

You will never know IF they have committed crimes





 This is fact, there is so much money to be extorted out of Kaiser litigations, Kaiser actually accepts this so-called “loss”,

 Kaiser is actually saving hundreds of millions a year by influencing low-life’s at Judicate West with Kaiser money.


I have proven this on this page.





 The God given Benefit of Medical Science  – Justice – Ethics & Morals – Civil Rights are just Lost, and perjurers are set free to continue the destruction of our justice/medical system.



 You will NEVER know if a Kaiser doctor is a hack, these records are altered, ignored, or sealed.

 Aside from Kaiser’s crooked lawyers, even my own lawyer played into this game to protect his buddy /neutral/his retirement (Dan Hodes). 





 He knew perjury would come and it did in 2014/2016/2018 – after I made the discovery above, that is why he asked the questions in the Above testimony about perjury to Dr. Broome, yet at the last hour he played dumb as if  his actions were sincere – he and I know his integrity is worthless, he wants be a neutral like Horton and on this day he figured-out how deceit can always work-out if you’re a creep.



His son was taken from him b/c of his actions in this case, as


“a Father’s Sins will hurt his offspring” – Today we call this a “Wake-up Call”

Too bad many don’t believe these words, our actions do hurt others-and yourself




 He had lost his son to drugs at 19 years old during the “waiting for trial” – he didn’t heed this message, or believe it, and he went Dark.

I have these communications with him, this cannot be denied. He like so many others, are not protecting clients, but he is very interested in his own future. Too bad he went dark, this killed his son, it was meant to be. My discovery of Dr. Broomes’s felonies was given to Dan Hodes in 2014, this After Broome’s first deposition. I now have Intentional PERJURY on record! So many crimes with just one email, given to me directly by the source lab in Amsterdam.


What these type of people do not understand, yet many do, “the universe holds a Sway over the Future, Many are rewarded of our Misdeeds” This is why the Universe/God took his son’s life”.  Dan Hodes my lawyer ignored my Hard evidence, but his career, his plush retirement plans were more important than him seeking justice for Evan. Dan Hodes “ESQ” could have won Evan’s Lifetime care, but instead he lost his own son / his actions he will never recognize.

Hodes back in 2014 knew he had this case “in the Bag” (with MY evidence) and this is why he stated during Broome’s first deposition – “You know Perjury is a felony correct?” She stated “YES”, then made Broome confirm her statements TWICE (above).


So now you say, “How many criminal acts were committed during this case, and how many people involved?”

ALL of THEM. My lawyer, the hack judge Horton, Judicate West, the Medical Board, the HSS, the defense firm, of course Kaiser, the AG(now in charge of the HHS !), the Doctors, and a slew of lawmakers I notified. This is how they run Justice, it’s all about career and Money, and just like the Fed today, it’s out in the open right in front of You.

You may end up a victim of any of these “types”, but your lesson will be learned and you will benefit later, but for these Monsters who see only money, their future has been decided.




 The Neutral Horton & Dan Hodes (my lawyer), both of these guys would prosecute anyone to the fullest if it were their own, but everyone else is just a check





 The One time my lawyer Dan Hodes allowed one of his “other” lawyers to depose Dyana Casella-Nurse/Kaiser, other than himself was a strategy.



 Dyana was a prime witness, she was “planted” into our lives by Kaiser for over a decade. (read her perjury in this site in The Bad tab) My lawyer’s Jr. lawyer was not given ANY details about Dyana in our lives, so she could not be drawn into Perjury like Broome (I had to do it).

For a “so-called” Good lawyer, they should not make elementary mistakes like this, no lawyer would, unless there was a motive, and there was.



 I knew Dyana well ( I thought) for over 10 years after hospice ended (up until 2018 we talked), I thought I knew her.

 She acted and lied under oath, like she didn’t know me/she asked IF Evan was still alive!

 She spent the night at my home, left her dogs with me many times, spent time at family gatherings, my daughters graduation concert – I’ve even visited her home.

All this is documented right here >in The “Bad” tab.


 This is how far Kaiser will go to protect their crimes!

I have never imagined people going this far instead of settling for Kaiser pennies, but I have to write this as to condemn these people to perdition.


 We were just another case to manipulate – This is evil and no coincidence, these things happened for a reason, but few see through the veil when you are a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing. It is hard to find good in someone/trust, then be completely betrayed. 


These people above have given into the opposite of what they are assumed to be, they are destroying all that our past patriots have died for – these people and companies are true filth and they know it, but if you “stick together” as my lawyer and his filthy friend Jay Cordell Horton, you have a place to congregate- a club of criminals. 



 If you can’t protect an Infant, you can’t protect anyone.




 We are prepared, and waiting for any of these cease & desists to come to a lawsuit, but I doubt they will file-too many laws were broken by the Law, Judicate West, Medical Board, HHS, Atty General & Kaiser, and they all have been notified/reminded of their Crimes. Street Justice is the only way to stop these monstrous people.



 The lawyers to The OIA (Kaiser’s own judicial system) Judicate West, The HHS, the California Medical Board, the obvious Neutral Jay Cordell Horton, and as expected Kaiser’s law firm La Follette Johnson De Haas.



These people and companies are helping to destroy this once great country and their only achievement is their money they steal from victims,  Obstruction of Justice  does not come into their thought process, yet this is how they survive.


One positive aspect of this case on our suffering, I have pulled hundreds of Kaiser members away from this fast food giant, I have had Many families also contact me who have either lost a family member, or their loved one has been permanently disabled. I tell them hire two lawyers, and get some Street Justice if they have the nerve.





The latter is easier, just sit on it for a while.






            Please read my summary below


  The greatest generation (in my opinion) was in the 40’s where we fought and lost over 400,000 in our country alone – 17 million murdered all over Europe in camps. We had pride then, we had leadership and most people treated others with respect despite the lack of humanity


 Here is the new enemy (above and below on this page & in this site) praying within our own country and it’s people, manipulating our laws, ignoring our laws – pissing-on Your grandfather, grandmother, who at the time thought they were making a better life for their children and grandchildren. 


You tell your children Monsters don’t exist, but here in these pages you cannot say this anymore.


 It’s time they learned their lessons from the people they have hurt-it is coming & no one can/will stop us.

 Below, this “lawyer country club” is where corporate crime unfortunately ends. This is a building of deceit and collusion and they ALL know it.


 This is where the selfish prey on the selfless-the victims.  Monsters, CRIMINALS of our society walk these halls everyday stealing Life from an endless stream of very unfortunate people.


  Your lawmakers, judges, Your government is bribed with constant flowing money to keep these halls open to lawlessness and lies.

A Disgraceful lack of morals are practiced here (below)  Judicate West, & every single monster in this building knows it. Our laws are completely ignored, and criminals run free to not only Harm again, but to put money in the pocket of these sub-humans at Judicate West over and over.

This is where Criminals perfect their activity as proven in these pages. Truly a place for cowards taking advantage of you & me with only money as reward and jurisdiction as a “cover-up”.

 Public “servants” have become their own self serving entities, every dirt bag with a powerful position (Atty Gen. Xavier Becerra) who claims to be “A staunch advocate for working families representing California”eq.   Becerra was sent these court documents 3X.   – twice by myself and once by a large group of college students.

Now these students know how their children would be treated at Kaiser, and that was the purpose to start this site at a local college, so students can see before they buy into it.


 Becerra’s association with Kaiser’s donations are MUCH more important than any California family, or any child or infant.

 His story and many other filth have colluded to do nothing to keep their positions in government and/or litigations for Kaiser.


 The proof he received these doc’s from us are locked-up, but I will share copies with anyone who can benefit this story.



 Becerra and several others are responsible for this Banana Republic they have created on behalf of their narcissism, & pure self-interest which makes him an egregious liar, redefining the word “filth”, and there are so many like him.


                  Today, Becerra IS the head of the Human Health Services ! the one’s who are caretakers of HIPAA laws ! A proven criminal above only protecting corporate america.

He is right there with the likes of Fauci and so many others either expecting power, money or both.



I have a bullet point for each one




IF any of these people were to “try” to sue me for this site and the so-called “Defamation” they claim, it would expose them in open court, and here IS the proof of who they really are and they know it – No Lawsuits have been dropped at my doorstep, but we are ready. 




This   alone   proves   their   guilt




They are destroying our laws for money and power “posing” as law keepers/doctors when its just group of criminals. These laws were once made to keep You and Your children safe, but as this story proves, not even an Infant is safe and our public safety is quickly degrading to only make a dictator proud.


Protecting actors who are impersonating as Doctors is shameful at best, especially when You have Zero idea of their exploits. These actions by Kaiser “doctors” are never reported by these false courtrooms at Judicate West or the medical board, so next time you bring your child to a Kaiser slaughterhouse, you will have no idea of  YOUR doctors history even if you try to look them up.

I can name several other “doctors” not in this site, and I’ve presented a few to you.


Imagine being exposed to Criminal doctors, then later after seeking Justice, finding a “Criminal” justice system – I guess that is why “they” call it that > “the Criminal Justice System”


Judicate West – Redefining “Freedom & Justice” at 3rd world levels 


   We are hoping these lawsuits come to fruition instead of us resorting to very clever grassroots (and expensive) advertising being planned, as we can expose the many who help facilitate in Kaiser’s inhumane acts.

Our hopes are within the egotistical mentalities of doctors & lawyers, because with the Vast amount Hacks in both professions (shown above), we have found that doctors (and/or lawyers) who actually Do Good Works are rarer than common sense today.






         “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea” eq.




My Summary:

  They closed this case with incredible deceit,  ignoring perjuries by 3 Kaiser employees, our civil rights to procreation, wire fraud, slander, HIPAA laws, Many perjuries, and any details from depositions which greatly conflict w court testimony<countless, just to keep Kaiser arbitrations rolling along and money flowing.


3 months to find a decision,  Jay Cordell Horton spent those months making a deal rather than looking at the true actions of Kaiser staff. ALL of our laws were ignored and none of these criminals were reported.


 He took my otherwise death to Kaiser’s case and used it to benefit future litigations at Judicate West.


 No one can deny these laws were broken, three of My experts and the Source lab were looking forward to this and that is why they helped me find the evidence.


 Imagine working all your life in a field of medicine that is nothing less than “beyond technical” and a Kaiser doctor pisses on all your discovery and work over many decades, we will never live down that Kaiser lied to us stopping our 3rd child, and to make it worse, our laws disregarded completely.



 Even my lawyer could’ve stopped us from going to court with MY evidence of Perjuries/Felonies/Record Destruction, Civil Rights breeches, but his buddy Jay Cordell Horton (the absent judge) and Judicate West (his retirement plan) & of course Kaiser (the check writer)

The day I expose the video of this is the day they come for me-I am not sure when to do this.


 My lawyer chose to get his buddy Jay Cordell Horton big pay day to encourage his own acceptance into a Neutral position at a Judicate West retirement.

This IS how far they will go to help bury an infant. Everyone on this page has a disregard for a baby’s life, any life, and a total disregard for life-except their own



 Everyone elected money over justice, position over justice> my lawyer’s son even died at 19 just before all of this which would make a good person seek justice for an infant, but again, money is very powerful to these types of mentalities.

I wish them all that they deserve.



 The above documents would stop any case in it’s tracks showing that all Kaiser staff have been caught, this is why open trials are far better, not being  judged by a judge, but by our peers.



 Arbitration is a loser, but law makes money, the state makes money. Never sign an Arbitration agreement, these are designed for them, not us, and if you currently have Kaiser, I would find a good PPO because you only have one life and that of your children, this approach to medicine (without having a better word) it’s in their interest and as you can see here

Kaiser is not here to help, only to fight their own so-called doctrine, and protect their criminal doctors like the one’s above.



We are spreading the word everyday and have taken many from the Kaiser grasp, now only if families were not Forced to take Kaiser care would something change.



Open your eyes before Kaiser closes the eyes of someone you love.



  These people (above & below) have managed to keep criminals out of prison, and keep their records clean which is the opposite of what their positions were designed for, therefore they are all criminals.



 How many times has Kaiser destroyed medical science for the next child is an unknown, but it exists at very high levels. Next time you hear someone say Kaiser is a healthcare facility, show them this – it is far from healthcare, but Kaiser does pay forward to the criminal mind, law, and anyone who shares in this money is committing a crime against life itself. 


 Every sub-human above and below is either directly paid, supported by campaign donations, or bought by Kaiser 



 The public is “easy-pickings” because you cannot find justice elsewhere, and this is what lays ahead with the political scene going toward socialism, sheep included.


 They are ALL facilitating Murder, yet walk in knowing who they really are, the Perfect description of “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing” that we all should be familiar with.


  We will see how they deal with felonies/playing God/Satin when directed at them, but with nowhere to look and no money to make, they will surely know their actions caused their coming horror.

  Below; A Turd in human form: “Heil Hitler”

public image of sub-human

 This guy above and his comrades have been lying to their own constituents for decades, and by the time your children become adults they would’ve taken the “treat” out of “Trick or Treat”  A person like this appreciates the Trick


 The “AG” attorney general of Kalifornia” is in the top five “Creep Zone”. Greed and collusion rules this monsters life. It’s easy to be a criminal, much harder to be a man of integrity.


Not only did he ignore major felonies in this case, the BIG one -HIPAA LAWS are made to protect YOU and Your loved ones. Now HIPAA laws are placed and governed by the human health services.

SO guess what? “Basura” has been appointed by our new Puppet President biden as the new head of the human health services! WTF !


With the media on their side they will continue these egregious crimes against humanity and the future of our healthcare – “money over life”

    ‘You shall do no injustice in judgment; you shall not be partial to the poor nor defer to the great, but you are to judge your neighbor fairly.



 Diane Louise Broome the Kaiser genetic hack above who walked away free and clear. All of this was only possible by the incredible collusion that exists at the Medical Board, Atty. Gen, Courts, Law enforcement, and Judicate West.



Every single member of this state that was notified of this case.




   Who do we go to when the Law breaks the Law? In a Banana Republic there is nowhere to turn to.

 Violence does work, and it also gets the Story out



  I look forward to our disintegration of RIGHTS b/c I will be on the front lines egregiously attacking all of them for what they have created. We have seen this lawlessness already with a simple biological virus in 2020. This is not going away, it’s time they begin to pay for what they have done.



Never sign an arbitration agreement 


  There in No such thing as a “frivolous” medical lawsuit, you cannot get beyond medical science.

You can say “that guy ran the red light” in a car accident, but science is science and No lawyer will spend their money on a loser.

 My team of experts were the “Dream Team”, but Kaiser will always answer with “like” thinking ($) doctors, some of which admitted in court-40% of their income is Kaiser litigations.

 Kaiser called this case frivolous when it all began, not even close, then WHY did they sit in front of my home all those years, follow me to work, tap my cell phone and spend thousands on “frivolous” restraining orders?

 Because they can, and the civil courts love them for it in fee$.


 More Turds

public image

 These two “lawyers” Pluma and DeHaas represented Kaiser. I think these are archive photos, or dug-up in Egypt somewhere b/c these are VERY OLD PHOTOS ! (woman on left, man on right if you can’t tell)

DeHaas was worse than Biden as far as just “Speaking”, he has dementia, yet the judge gave him the big lie that he was competent.


 These two are the most unethical people I have ever met next to the Neutral Horton, they are witness to Kaiser crimes, felonies, HIPAA breeches, Medical Record destruction, Wire Fraud, Civil rights breeches, yet they’re need to “win” overwhelms any decency they could muster-up, Yet they “had” the right to procreate, we do not, but in my opinion these are the type of monsters who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce because they steal life from innocents.


 If the end of anything human is about to come to pass, these are two of the causes.

I would save a 15 year old 3 legged dog off a railroad track before I would save these monsters, and they are monsters. Clerks are all they are, not lawyers, they depend on Kaiser’s money to influence every case they turn into an abortion.



 Here is one of Many Cease & Desist’s I have received : I have acquired all the PROOF I need to make them look like the criminals they truly are. In this C&D they want my site removed-of course they do, they are criminals ! 


There may be a trial/lawsuit for my Defamatory statements AFTER some of the statues run down, but we are ready for this instance also, there is always a way around criminals – I watch them too, they just don’t know it.






 To close this page, here is what Kaiser calls the Pre Hospice Assessment. This happens to “qualify” the patient into Kaiser’s hospice.

 Not only is it illegal according to Medicare rules, they don’t have a diagnosis according to the evidence above! keep in mind Evan is 15 years old today and these papers were written in 2007 (recovered in 2012 by me) First time I viewed them 5 years later after Evan’s birth, and how they approved these two “death” documents was also egregious thanks to Dr. Richard Dee Brumley-hospice hack.


 Take a look…..First page below, Broome and Mehren are the doctors, but Brumley and Mitchell signed it<both GP’s in Geriatrics, neither one has PED experience, unless you count Mitchell for his “giving physicals” to high school boys.


This is how Kaiser lacks in procedure, just think how they treat others. Second page, not only are “check boxes” not allowed (according to Kaiser’s own Brumley), but nothing is checked!


 Then Denise Glasper (inept intake nurse signed-in at the bottom) writes a condition that exists nowhere in our world, and to top it off by coincidence, Type 2 wasn’t discovered until 2010 by the source lab, molecular geneticists (this is written in 2007)

 The nurse who wrote this record wrote a disease description that DID NOT EVEN EXIST, they used these pages to kill-off Evan, a “Potentially Expensive Patient”.

  Below: Documents we found 5 years AFTER Evan was born: Very hard to believe,  Very incomplete/incorrect, and hidden.


    First line Page 1 – “HE WILL DIE”  & No specialist will ever sign-on. This Record was discovered in 2012, 5 years after Evan was born. it is completely phony and not just incomplete, but extremely inaccurate. 


   To contradict Kaiser’s advertising, “Here’s the TEAM for your baby”


   How many were murdered with False records? & How many criminals will our paid officials (above & below) allow this to continue?

   Every doctor who has viewed this “Admittance into Hospice” was blown away, and it was done illegally without showing the parents, out of the rules of medicare, not even a qualifier for hospice, without a brief from a specialist WHY the Infant is dying, then two complete hack GP’s sign it ! < this IS why I didn’t see it, and most parents would never see it unless by some incredible chance their baby lived through Kaiser’s murderous hospice doctor Richard Brumley.

Today, 2022, Evan is 15 years old.


 Page 2 contains NO CHECK MARKS of ANY KIND, so Even does not qualify ! The description of the the condition is COMPLETELY INCORRECT, factually the written description, it does not even Exist in medical science !


 These 2 pages put Evan in Hospice and qualifies him to die, but according to Kaiser, these pages will not qualify him.


 Just two signatures from two 100% unqualified hacks Dr. Richard Brumley and Dr. Michael Mitchell – Brumley “bumped into” in the halls of Kaiser and “handed-off” these pages for Dr. Michael Mitchell to “Blindly” sign was admitted by Brumley in court!


 You can read ****Dr. Michael Mitchell*** testimony in this site. He couldn’t recall ANYTHING about Evan – male / female, condition, age, nothing ! Read it, You will not believe it


 He just signs-on to push babies to their death regardless if dying or not – or if science is being destroyed, or some Kaiser hack is benefitting monetarily from Killing a Potentially Expensive Patient.


 Please Read Mitchell’s page, he really should only wear a white coat in a butcher shop, certainly not a hospital- and BTW, giving physicals to teens for free?     Read it! Real Scary stuff here.



  How did Kaiser arrive at this “Prognosis” “HE WILL DIE” above? They didn’t.

***Read Dr. Michael Mitchell & Dr. Richard Dee Brumley – They did not have a Diagnosis, that came in 2010 three years later,then Kaiser DESTROYED this record.

 The date above is early 2007, today in 2021 Evan is right here next to me, but severely damaged by Kaiser’s “Stealth Euthanasia” Program- Evan is now 15 years old-nearing 15 years beyond Kaiser signing his death certificate and Kaiser’s non-prognosis, and think about this, Evan is alive b/c my wife and I (not in the medical industry) weaned him off Kaiser drugs.


   All of the 42 people I have contacted who have D2-HGA are alive, normal, autistic, some have been to college and many are past 30 years. I do know of one girl who died at 13, but she had San Filippo syndrome which is deadly when puberty begins, and the one’s who have actually died in infancy were severe forms with cardiomyopathy and facial dysmorphic features, and they are few.


 All of these patients (logically) are treated expectantly/as needed, b/c there is no treatment.


 Here you have Kaiser, sending Evan off to hospice w 2/3 months to live which is a 100% contradiction from the source lab and Every Metabolic physician I interviewed stated the same, and this is why Kaiser has broken all our laws, this HMO is so large, inept, and sewn into politic$, this is why all the protection from our law keepers, & only will get worse.


  What is the real reason all these dirtbags protect Kaiser 1354 locations?, the money given electing the non-electables (Becerra), and for the courts and Kaiser transgressions/malpractice, ways to resolve real crimes w/o showing it being a crime to a Dead legal facet of law (medical malpractice) b/c of MICRA. Read-on & Learn.


  Your signature on an Arbitration agreement allows “them” to control every aspect of your claim-privately. As you read-on, you will see how Kaiser actually threatened the above neutral/judge into “keeping” Kaiser cases in his court and at Judicate West’s abhorrent courtrooms.


“With healthcare being so complex, we have the people who oversee the laws being corrupt as they have above, you have to think how it can ever get better?

 It will not.


 When this state and others have adapted/adopted caps, this purposly leads to corruption by the law itself. The so-called sacred  laws of HIPAA were breeched, besides the perjury, attempted Murder, and associated crimes in this case being ignored above, and letting these “doctors” continue to practice is abhorrent at best.


 When political hacks are elected with shady “not for profit” monies not on their ability to oppose, and/or corporate dollars, this is a case example of what we have to look forward to.


 We are stepping backwards away from laws most of us assume protect us. This causes (in this case) Medicine to deteriorate.


 In the MICRA chapter is a great example of this – a dead little girl b/c of malpractice/negligence at Kaiser, and this is not an isolated case, Kaiser allows this everyday.


 What is scary in her story is, if she had gone to a “Minute Clinic” at your local CVS, she would most likely be alive today with a suspected pneumonia b/c a nurse practitioner would have given this recommendation.


At Kaiser there are too many dollar borders to jump over, too many rules over medicine, and far too many patients that visit very limited doctors<These things you do not see-only here in this site, or from a friend who shares a Kaiser horror story.

   Weaning Evan off of Kaiser’s Drugs, their “stealth euthanization program” After Evan being dead for 26 minutes caused by Dr. Richard Dee Brumley of 3 arch bay Laguna Beach.

  We discovered that the drugs were causing his seizures, they had stopped completely after an extensive and horrible weaning of Dr, Richard Brumley’s death potions, this took us 3 months !  After all, Brumley had over 90+ patients in his hospice with only 4 visits (one to open and one to close Evan’s hospice.  

  So not only did we prove Brumley caused all those months of seizures  just removing the drugs (aside from Evan’s drug accumulation (that caused the 26 minute death of Evan) WE stopped all seizure activity ourselves !

 This was ignored by the Jay Cordell Horton the judge, but that is how he continues to hear Kaiser litigations, he had other intentions to benefit himself and Judicate West. < More cases in their courtrooms representing Kaiser.


  Now since the devastating overdose, Evan now has epilepsy b/c brain damage from the seizure activity and very long overdose.  Amazing how all these people can attack an infant manipulating our laws.


  We know it is Epilepsy not caused by his metabolic disorder b/c this is only triggered by a fever due to cold/virus and the after effects of being ill, otherwise he would have seizures all the time.


  We also know how Kaiser sat in front of my home and business following me for years was an intimidation tactic, to get me, a person who has never been accused or convicted of even a minor crime to do something egregious-they will have to wait for that one, and it won’t be me…

  When I met the esteemed Dr. William Leo Nyhan at SDSU in 2012 (5 years After Evan’s birth) Nyhan stated that the Kaiser records DID NOT HAVE A DIAGNOSIS ! <but Kaiser came-up with a PROGNOSIS !


  This cannot be done in any field of medicine. This was also ignored by the neutral.


  We soon later FOUND this diagnosis at the Source lab in Amsterdam thanks to Dr. Nyhan, but this came with the knowledge that Kaiser had destroyed our records also, which controlled our pro-creation rights.


  I went to the Medical Board with a court reporter to document this incredible breech in HIPAA laws, they were governed by Sharon Levine acting president of the medical board and a Kaiser executive.


  The case was ignored, and the medical board stated (in this site) that Evan was dead.


  When I signed with my Lawyer Dan Hodes.


 During this time Myself and my brother were told of “the Letter” sent to Neutral Jay Cordell Horton of Judicate West (Sent by Kaiser legal) telling Horton that Judicate West and himself would Never see a Kaiser litigation ever again.



  If he did not oblige Kaiser (favoritism) Judicate West and himself (a retired lawyer), Kaiser would NOT agree to send them cases (Kaiser holds the option to refuse Your choice of judges and where it is held)



  My lawyer’s paralegal (name withheld out of respect) was Horton’s paralegal before he became a criminal neutral,  Horton went-on to Judicate West and my lawyer hired her confirming the close relationship between my lawyer and Horton, and of   course the things I documented over the next several years waiting for the trial, confirming their relationship several times.

  When 2014 came along (7 years after Evan’s birth) Amsterdam (with Nyhan’s help again) found the proof in an email sent from Kaiser’s own Dr. Diane Louise Broome/Sands to the source lab. This email was buried, but Amsterdam being determined to nail this Broome and Kaiser found it.


 As it turned-out, even Perjury, destroyed medical records, HIPAA breeches, Wire Fraud, and a host of other broken laws were ignored by Jay Cordell Horton, The Medical Board, the Atty General,  Judicate West, the HHS, and at least 75 other political hacks.




  One of the cease & desist I received stated I could not say that Judicate West or Horton are guilty of collusion, but everyone who was alerted and sent the evidence are criminals, that is how they make their living, on the backs of victims-in this case an Infant and family. 


  Dr. Broome had destroyed our records as shown above, and when I say “OUR” records, it affected our entire family and stopped us from having our 3rd child indefinitely b/c we were told by Broome our risk factor was pretty high of having this condition reappear again in our 3rd child< This was a lie by Broome. She sent Evan off to hospice to die by drugs and with NO clinical evidence that this condition is Terminal !


 The source lab sent Dr. Broome a lengthy questionnaire, but if these children (and adults) with this condition die (first-off Adults are not children) then why bother with questions ?



  To this day, there is no clinical evidence this condition causes death.


 IF you are a Severe patient you can die from another condition, but nowhere in medical records is Evan not thriving, as a matter of fact in Dr. Broome’s own testimony, Evan is doing pretty good- < also in this site.

  This was just elimination of a potentially expensive patient with a Kaiser membership, and that is how cruel Kaiser is.


 Money before life, death at the expense of saving money, <and that my friends is the true Kaiser. And that is why Kaiser pays their doctors to “treat” less, it is called “capitation” Kaiser sets the doctors yearly amounts they spend on patients and if they come “UNDER” this amount they receive the amount. 


  By this time I was waiting for a trial-for 10 years.

  California will not let you get into superior court even IF you have intentional torts/Crimes (and we did)

  You end-up in a building like Judicate West< a lawyer country club of thieves and collaborators reminding me of Nazi collaborators of the 1940’s

helping Kaiser to commit crimes against Life, it’s about money and they all know it.



  Kaiser had postponed the case as many times as they could in hopes Evan would die and Kaiser would not be responsible for “LIFETIME CARE” money. Evan was 12 years old when the trial concluded! And IF you read the “MICRA” page you will see WHY you cannot sue Kaiser, their own court, their own people, and of course their own money.


  If Kaiser kills your child, (intentionally or by negligence) you probably will not find a lawyer b/c of the $250K CAP on malpractice cases (it costs more than 250K to hear a case).



  Jerry Brown initiated this law (MICRA) in 1975 and it’s been 250K ever since ! Proposition 46 came along in 2014 to “UP” this cap so some of us could actually go after Kaiser’s hack doctors, but Kaiser showed it’s ugly face again and

threw millions at this campaign with the help of the union lobbyists and it did not pass. They called it a “Lawyer Money Grab”, but in reality it IS a civil rights breech – You cannot sue them and YOUR child is worth no more than 250K.

 Kaiser keeps their hacks, the Medical Board ignores Kaiser’s (and the doctor) Crimes and You know nothing about medical science or the true law if something did happen.

 The only “Team” Kaiser really has is a law team to keep their money as to continue buying favors from the political hacks in California & Nationally, and assures a 90+/10% legislature for Your future. A one sided mess with only criminal minds (not qualified minds) sailing the sinking ship.



 I was in contact w Amsterdam early 2007. I was talking with their two top scientists sharing data, diets and every patient I could find. Our relationship ended mysteriously in 2010. Instead of getting a response in a day or two, I received Zero.


  I was educating myself intensely on this condition, and I knew more than most doctors would ever know, I even learned the molecular pathways through expensive books that went well into genetics and mitochondrial diseases-it was hard, harder

because of Evan’s manufactured condition, and I was learning what Kaiser had done to an Infant, my infant !


  2014 rolls around (Evan is 7) and 6 1/2 years Past Kaiser’s prognosis of Death by Dr. Richard Dee Brumley. Nyhan and his esteemed colleague Dr. Richard Haas joined my Expert team, both have credentials beyond anything Kaiser mustered-up,

  Kaiser was using experts out of state, out of country and from colleges Kaiser sends it’s “Not for Profit” money to, and these guys derive up to 40% of their income from litigations ! ! My experts were trying to protect their medical science, and of those they have taught.


Amsterdam finds the email from Kaiser’s Dr. Diane Louise Broome /  Sands (“Sands”-she uses this name to hide from me) and sends it to me and Dr. Nyhan – Broome has broken sacred medical law and committed felonies. I have now proved Broome sent Evan off to hospice w/o a diagnosis,

  Lied to the source lab,  destroyed medical science for the next child or adult,  committed wire fraud,  stopped us from having our 3rd child,  diverted any results from a respected lab and doing so broke Kaiser’s own protocol,  just destroyed our records,

  But wait for it………….

  2016 depositions begin. We have this evidence and they don’t know it. Broome commits Perjury/Felonies and says she never received any diagnosis other than in 2007. At this point she should be imprisoned for her crimes.


  2018 the trial begins and she does it again > PERJURY/HIPAA breeches and I present the emails in court !. Kaiser’s lawyers shit their pants and they “TRY” to have all my testimony and my discovery removed from record. – Let’s ignore crimes, right? By doctors?


  Who see children? and make more money if they spend less of Kaiser’s money? We have now brought ourselves to second, even third world medicine – for millions of unsuspecting families, and many are forced to take Kaiser’s membership through union collaboration.


  We can now see who side this falls into, and it isn’t the victims. Everyone is now confronted with Kaiser’s crimes and their is no way out-unless the neutral wants more cases from Kaiser, and this is what happens three months AFTER the trial ends.


  We could’ve settled this case early-on with Broome’s first PERJURY/FELONIES, in 2016,but my lawyer being a “friend” of neutral Horton at Judicate West, and my lawyer wanting to become a neutral in retirement, My lawyer trusts he will win and also giving his “buddy” a great payday hearing the case.

   Honesty between lawyers is a polemic, a caustic friendship when it comes to money. We can’t disturb this “club”, after all MICRA has all but destroyed medical malpractice in California, they are hanging-on to their devious trade by one finger as it is.

  So the 3 months Horton takes on his decision, the statute on HIPAA laws expires within 4 years (think Horton did this purposely? To drop one of the serious federal charges against Kaiser’s Broome?)

  Of course, and if this isn’t true, Horton should not be judging turds in a punch bowl, so which is it? If the neutral “missed” these crimes ( which were shown to him as exhibits) which are obvious to you & I, what was this reason to ignore felonies? 

  Surely if I lied in court, I would be charged and lose the case, but I did not – any parent who loves their children would not lie about anything.


  Keep in mind, the case is “tolled” in 2013 (time statutes mean nothing) and Broome’s, Brumley’s and Casella’s PERJURY charges are still valid, but the BIG crime against LIFE has now passed due to collaboration by the many criminals, the judicial facet of this case.  

 The case “could’ve” been settled before the trial began b/c we had HIPAA/Federal laws broken, plus the perjuries, but there is “back scratching” going-on here.

 My Lawyer could’ve busted Dr. Broome, Dr. Brumley, and Nurse Casella for their perjury before this all began, but my lawyers buddy – neutral Jay Cordell Horton will make BIG dollars on my son’s case and my lawyer see’s it as a win win for himself-who wouldn’t?

 My lawyer wants to become a neutral, and he let’s Horton take the case to the end, then Horton (and everyone involved) has committed crimes, but these arbitrations do not see a judicial review outside of Judicate West-it’s the perfect crime(s), but now it’s not just Kaiser committing crimes.


 This is why this site was created, so you know the law is not following the law.

 Horton takes 3 months for a verdict so to speak, he wants his friend, my lawyer to recover and make some $, so he takes these (my discoveries) to Kaiser legal, and makes a deal. Who loses? My son, my family, You, and Medical Science for the next infant/child.


  This sinister cult of law continues to destroy justice today so a few can make more dollars at the expense of an infant and his family.

 This  is  what  happened   

  To date 2022

  Through my investigating, and some concerned people, I have found a “Protections Syndicate” exists in this building above (and others). I was asked to supply copies of my documentation.

 Now that I think about it, The OIA<Kaiser’s own judicial overlord, The Medical Board and it’s union & political beneficiaries, the Lobbyists, these so-called neutrals/judges, & in my case, down to the plaintiff lawyers, they are inter-connected by my story.


 Every one of these mentioned egregiously broke the law in this case. This comes later, but if you read the summary above, you may understand.

There is much more I have not mentioned in this site.

  Our campaign/actions have been postponed b/c of Covid – the giveaways will come, and the sky banners will fly, then the monsters will be exposed. 


          The Predators will conquer the Prey, then the Prey will conquer Predator when they least expect it, the Predator is busy with other Prey

Court Tesimony from W L Nyhan:



  Quotes from Other Fine doctors:

 ” The reason we are here on earth is to improve ourselves, if we choose to be our own God (which many people adhere to) then we graduate to a lower life form in the end. The reason we are here is not to gain things or treat people like things, or to stroke our vanity/vices to ourselves and others,  but  go  from  selfishness  to  selflessness.  If You deny yourself this, you have wasted your life and hurt others. There is nothing more obvious than Greed, the opposite of Justice”



  “Fighting for my country?, I would start from the inside – our enemies are within. When the “Eye for an Eye” method is your only recourse for Justice, you see what justice has done to itself”



  “This is the reason our way of life is deteriorating, they stand in front of our flag but wipe their ass with it in private, they are snakes, yet expect to be treated with respect  “for they have received their gift”. They serve their own purpose – the epitome of  “wolf in sheep’s clothing”


Quote; “The people and companies in this site are corrupt, morally, with distorted ethics only driven by the power of authority and money. They protect a deviate system only they could create, by manipulation of our laws, laws we assume are being enforced. The OIA, Judicate West, lawyers, Neutrals, and even our local government officers and authorities as proven in this site. Not only have they destroyed medical science for the future, they seem to be destroying life and the Peace we all seek”eq.


  “Imagine being in this situation, the law has nothing to do with Justice, only collusion. “It’s time to make a change none of them will like, It’s time to BURN them off their Paper Soapbox”


Q: “the VICE of GREED is most destructive, Greed is contradicted by JUSTICE. Many people cannot recognize or decipher their own vanity and have made themselves their own Gods – this is condemnation of themselves and others” eq.


Q: “Revenge and Justice now have the same definitions when The Law breaks the Law, We have no choice, for they have made this so”…..  I love this one.

Below on his dad’s shoulders, now 10 years a D2 HGA patient, and two more. Typical D2 HGA kids, yet Kaiser says these kids should all be dead.


[/vc_rowSHARE this site on Social Media-Copy & Click the KKK link, and by ALL MEANS share it on ALL “ Kaiser related pages “– Help save a life. <>   Thank You 


   I recorded tons of Video w dialog, with these little Stealth ink pens. The Neutral, my introduction of Perjury (exhibit), Dr. Brumley, his nurses, The medical board, Judges, and much more! Being edited now. Although it may be a grey area, their crimes are Much worse. 

                                                                                                                                                                        “When injustice becomes the Law, resistance becomes YOUR Duty” 

‘Cursed is he who distorts the justice due an alien, orphan, and widow.’ And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.’


      Everything on this Earth dies, including these people mentioned above.

Why they allow others and themselves to harm others is reserved for their own evil, their destiny of torment. 


      While their Vices will eventually doom their personal eternity, We must fight this while we are here to preserve integrity of the human soul and those they harm, even kill.


      Energy/Eternity is measured by either crimes For or Against life, and these people are against life, not just yours and mine, but their own and even their own children.

      They do not think on this level, nor want to.

Benefits over life is what they seek and think we cannot see, but they will soon find