What is a “Phenotype”?

Same species, different color, the different color is the phenotype. You can see a “phenotype” in language accents like “a New York” or “Texas” accent. It is often the environment that determines these differences. Another example would be, you buy two of the same baby orange trees, you plant one, the other you take out of the pot, scrape the dirt off the roots and throw it on the ground. You have two phenotypes, one altered by YOUR actions.
“The Phenotype” is explored with disease that has different outcomes as most diseases often have, so science studies phenotypes to explore treatments and cures to find patterns that may help “others”. If we euthanize every diabetic, we would never find a treatment. Kaiser used drugs, not a gun. A gun would be, illegal.
The phenotype of Evan has been destroyed by Kaiser’s hospice drugs, the sustained incorrect drugs and the Morphine overdose. If the phenotype is “altered” with unnatural means, then the example cannot be an example. He is useless to D2HGA science, as are the many that Kaiser has euthanized with rare diseases; this is where they are hurting everyone. This is explained further in the Amsterdam records that Dr. Broome “threw-out” to keep the lie secure – you can view this crime also in this site.
Evan had 3 measurements of D2HGA: 817, 802 and 450, because it varies according to diet, health and many other factors. I have read ALL the D2HGA clinical studies and not one state “TERMINAL”, but if you look up a terminal disease you will find the word “Terminal”. Evan’s measurements are average, not high. Have children died with D2HGA ? Yes , but as with all disease, if severe, it can produce “other” disease and as you will see, Evan had no other disease or symptom – ever, except being a drug addict.
Here you see a black boy on this site,(in the DRUG LAWS) he is 15 in 2019, his measurement goes up & down, his was 1800, twice as high as Evan, but no one tried to euthanize this boy, he is a happy good looking boy.
How could Kaiser conclude to euthanize Evan at 3 months old? They did this simply to save money.
They have no proof to substantiate a terminal illness & I will show this in their own documents.
Kaiser does this every day?; they have only been caught once! Right here, because Evan is alive.
On each page in this site I have a D2HGA child or adult, you can see (as well as a still photo can show) that many are normal like you and me, some have learning disabilities or delays, some are retarded, and in few cases, slight dysmorphic features. Kaiser stated TERMINAL many times in their documents as early as 3 months old, if this WAS a terminal disease, then ALL these children in this site should not be here, But there ARE severe cases pictured on this site-one in her late 20’s !.
Evan has NO symptoms or features other than infantile seizures – Evan “was” a very mild case, Kaiser changed that at his and our family’s expense. There are over 100 clinical reports dating back to 1980 on D2HGA, over 300 “clinical” patients (according to CHOC) It was discovered in 1976 by a Dr Chalmers and reported in 1980, here are a few………
D-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria 2006 Evans birth year
D-2-Hydroxyglutaric aciduria (D-2-HGA) is a neurometabolic inherited disorder first described in 1980. In the following years, it became clear that the clinical phenotype of the disease *varies widely from severe neonatal to asymptomatic. However, the sparse biochemical knowledge made D-2-HGA a poorly understood disease. “Much progress has been made in the last five years in various studies”, revealing two human enzymes that play a role in the metabolism of D-2-hydroxyglutarate. There are probably hundreds of these cases not recognized, but rather looked upon as autism. Without the proper test, we just don’t know how many. Therefore, there are most likely “carriers” that do not know they are carriers especially in the asymptomatic population (no symptoms). This will plague man for many years to come unfortunately, but to euthanize as Kaiser has tried in Evan is a slap in the face of medical science and to the human population. For every child Kaiser euthanizes, the ability to search for a cure to that particular disease is prolonged. This leaves the possibility for your own children to suffer if they were to obtain one of these 7000 + rare diseases.
D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria and glutaric aciduria type 1 in siblings: coincidence, or linked disorders?
Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1) and D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria ( D-2-HGA) are cerebral organic acidurias characterized by the excretion of 3-hydroxyglutaric and D-2-hydroxyglutaric acids, respectively. GA1 is caused by a deficiency of glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase encoded by the GCDH gene; the biochemical and genetic basis of D-2-HGA is unknown. We diagnosed GA1 in the son of consanguineous Palestinian parents, and D-2-HGA in his sister and brother.
All three siblings were neurologically and developmentally normal.
************** **************
Whole-exome sequencing detects somatic mutations of IDH1 in metaphyseal chondromatosis with D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (MC-HGA).
We used exome sequencing of blood DNA in four unrelated patients to identify the genetic basis of metaphyseal chondromatosis with urinary excretion of D-2-hydroxy-glutaric acid (MC-HGA), a rare entity comprising severe chondrodysplasia, organic aciduria,***** and variable cerebral involvement.***** No evidence for recessive mutations was found; instead, two patients showed mutations in IDH1 L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria is not what Evan has, he has the D form. L often starts later in life. “The L-2 form is more common, severe, and mainly affects the central nervous system. ” The basal ganglia are affected, and cystic cavitations in the white matter of the brain are common. This form is chronic, with early symptoms such as hypotonia, tremors, and epilepsy declining into spongiform leukoencephalopathy, muscular choreodystonia, mental retardation, and psychomotor regression. L and D are not the same disease. D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria is what Evan has, the D form becomes STATIC.
Static means, there is a point when it stops, this point is unknown and exclusive to each patient, so predicting an outcome is unknown unless the child suffers from a myopathy, but to encourage & destroy the patient has only been proven once, here.
The D2 form is rare, symptoms can include macrocephaly, cardiomyopathy, mental retardation, hypotonia or none of the above or one of the above. It can be associated with D2HGDH (type I) or IDH2 (type II). In Kaiser’s medical records, the doctors state that “L” type is not as severe as “D” and this is not true, as you have just read by the scientists that HAVE studied this, the above clinical report states the opposite of Kaiser’s prediction, it is HOW it affects that particular patient. I look at these diseases as Autism with an explaination/source. Autism has now been often found, as these autistic patients age, also becomes static. Many D2HGA children are considered Autistic. This varies so much from patient to patient there is no way a doctor can say “at 3 months” how the infant will turn out, and NONE of these studies state TERMINAL, as you can see, this prognosis was reached in Kaiser’s pre-hospice assessment “HE WILL DIE” at 3 months old. NOTE;You can find “scientific proof” of Evan’s true outcome in the PLAYERS tab.
I know many that read this find much of this hard to understand, your not alone and we must give this to the scientists that research these rare diseases, and thank them too. Diabetes was not long ago lethal, yet today we have type 1 & type 2 and most have learned to live with it, thank a scientist. Again, what has Kaiser done here?, it is easy for a layman to see. You would think that every lawmaker would go to any length to prosecute each doctor involved in Evan’s lack of care. They have not, it’s hands off because of Kaiser’s money and influence which all happens to be malicious.
Here are just a few more clinical studies that explain the WIDE Spectrum:
The disease varies widely from severe neonatal to asymptomatic
Clinical phenotype can vary from a severe epileptic encephalopathy to normal
With both a mild and a severe phenotype and with unknown etiology
All three siblings were neurologically and developmentally normal
D-2 (D2HGA) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with variable clinical expression
Evan has type 2, We only recently discovered Evan’s Diagnosis in 2012 after “finding” records that Dr Broome destroyed to keep Kaiser’s lie covered up, over 5 years after they destroyed him. Type 2 is linked to certain cancers and Evan’s blood is NOW part of this study in a cancer treatment, no he does not have cancer, but if Evan was euthanized in 2007, and if we did NOT find these test results from 2010(or the right scientist in 2012) his blood would NOT BE AVAILABLE ! True, his phenotype was destroyed by Kaiser and he is OUT of the clinical stats for D2HGA, but he has found purpose to science.
Just goes to show you what Kaiser thinks of preventative medicine, they promote it in their ads, but that is theater, this also applies to the Calif state medical board – one in the same evil and this is how they hurt you, even if you don’t subscribe to Kaiser. Two very guilty organizations that could care less about the public and the future of children.
This is politics (money) destroying life and future life, and these are children and babies, but most of these are silent deaths, never to be seen or heard from. Their lives were for nothing and our family was manipulated by the two authorities mentioned above.
If you Google “IDH2” you will see hundreds of Bio-Medical articles on the now popular Gene that has effected Evan’s life.
Amsterdam lab contacted Kaiser about Evan, no response. We now have Big Pharma’s contacting us, they want Evan for future tests, (They seek a possible cancer treatment) Kaiser did nothing and I would bet Dr Broome was sweating bullets because she never informed us of the final diagnosis, she never entered the results into records and surely she couldn’t now, now that we have the dated evidence that she slid them in her pocket to never be seen by the 4 members of this family, or in court – until I did it myself.
This doctor will state, “I retired” but no, she semi-retired, she “retired” 1 year and 2 months AFTER she received Evan’s results and decided we would never be allowed to see our “carrier” status, so Kaiser dumped her as they did the hospice doctor. Kaiser doesn’t want these two doctors around if THIS case becomes public. Everything would be ok with Kaiser if Evan had died under Brumley’s euthanization hospice program, they wouldn’t need to remove these two doctors at all. You would think Broome would have sent out this result to us even IF she refused to tell the research hospital in Amsterdam what they did to Evan, but she thinks very highly of herself, and only herself, these “predictions” she stated exclusively to her fellow minions was just to eliminate a potentially expensive patient.
We now have proof she received these vital tests.
This federal law that has been broken, a HIPPA law, a medical privacy law, yet your Feds/State will not lift a finger to hurt kaiser, your tax dollars at work here. And here’s the problem: Let’s say you have a serious complaint like this one, you would most likely send-off the proof to the Human Health Services, but what happens is, if you send your paper to the Washington office (the main office) it gets re routed to your state fed. office, and in California these offices are completely influenced by the state they reside and no one in California can find justice in medical law b/c of Kaiser.
So even though the clinical reports may be “technical”, you can see that there is a WIDE SPECTRUM of outcomes for each patient and Evan has no severe symptoms, so we would take an educated guess that he was a mild case, yet Kaiser set him aside for destruction without question or science. Evan would rather be riding a bicycle today, than strapped to a wheelchair not knowing his own name. No clinical reports or experts say this is a terminal disease without other severe disease, so where did Kaiser find this prognosis
Kaiser’s own paperwork is asking for a Substantial Reason for Terminal Illness and this was not done or explained anywhere to anyone, because it cannot be done ! and if it were, they could not kill him.
This document, Pre-Hospice Assessment was not seen by the Parents not until over 5 years later.
(Pre-Hospice Assessment)
This you will read in the next page
How many times has this been accomplished by kaiser ? Is Evan the first ? ………
NO, of course not, He is the first to survive, so we can tell you the story about the unknown children
As far as the “care” Evan received from kaiser, we cannot expect any one doctor to know about 7000+ rare diseases and that is why we have specialists and the information IS at their fingertips. I can come up with over 50 doctors that know how to handle this condition here in California, Kaiser’s own Dr Mardach is one of these, yet her “input” was discarded though-out this 19 month ordeal-on purpose. Dr Broome could not have a Metabolic doctor in the way, especially being connected to the Metabolic community (as they are ALL very connected). The only time I talked again with Metabolics was, when the diagnosis came in from Amsterdam that Evan was a “D” type, not “L type”. On this day ……..
Dr Mardach (metabolics) told me to call Gurbani (neuro) “for new meds”, Gurbani told me to call Broome (genetics) “for new meds”, then of course Broome told me to call Gurbani “for new meds”. Gubani up’ed the dose, that’s it, no research, no calls to specialists that are in the know, if he did, “THEY” would raise a flag seeing what drugs were used, just as the ER doctor did during the overdose by calling the police.
There is obviously specialists that have studied and know about this disease as you have already read, cannot Kaiser call them and ask what to do ? If they did, they could not do what they tried to do to Evan, so they kept it to themselves -inside the Kaiser walls. The information was out there all the time and they knew it, we did not and that is why they moved in on Evan so fast and why the hidden paperwork. There is suspected forgeries too, this I cannot show.
If you were asked to do something “out of your expertise” you would hire experts, Kaiser has no interest in this and it would cost money. That is why Dr Mardach was “left-out”, there would be no way to euthanize Evan if people with expertise (and scientific interest) were included in his care and if you read on, there is VERY significant scientific interest for ALL of us. Kaiser threw that part out too.
Quote; From a reporter
“This is a travesty, not just for Evan, but all of us. A “so-called” hospital throwing away science for profit.”
STATS: from RARE.org
Rare and genetic diseases affect 1 in 10 Americans, 30 million people in the United States, and 350 million people globally. Over 7,000 distinct rare diseases exist and approximately 80 percent are caused by faulty genes. The National Institutes of Health estimates that 50% of people affected by rare diseases are children, making rare diseases one of the most deadly and debilitating for children worldwide.
While individual rare diseases have small patient populations, collectively the rare disease community is larger than the AIDS and Cancer communities combined. Despite its size, the community lacks of a unified voice, as only 15% of rare diseases have organizations or foundations providing support or driving research. It is estimated that 95% of all rare diseases do not have a single FDA approved drug treatment.
1 in 88 children today suffer from an Autism, many D2HGA children are Autistic, do we euthanize them?
Quote, clinical scientist; “With Kaiser killing-off these rare patients, how will we discover treatments?”
If you are interested in who would do this to a baby, click the “PLAYERS” tab and see.