This site is dedicated to Evan.

This innocent little boy is a victim. Evan is rare not just by disease, but that Evan is alive and the first victim to survive this treatment, and we tell you how they did this. This is a story about Collusion within Kaiser & our Law makers.

Dr. Gurbani


Dr. Gurbani a Kaiser Neurologist in Orange county Cal.(Lakeview). Evan already had a a couple of seizures and was fully evaluated at Kaiser Los Angeles, then released. The Scan performed outside of Kaiser was normal, as will soon be the MRI at Kaiser. He also mentions the Severely Deranged Electrolytes due to his Pyloric issue, this issue could’ve been avoided if Evan’s pediatrician Dr. John Brandon was not trying to save money – he just didn’t care.

Dr. Gurbani did some tests, clapping his hands, Dropping Evan onto the table and testing his reflexes.He said, “Your son is fine, he is normal” I said, “then we can stop the drugs ?” He said…”no, it is a safe drug-the safest as long as we monitor his liver levels.” At this point Evan already had an MRI, but Gurbani said we could not look at it. The MRI was normal for his age group.

I said to him, “We have an appointment with Metabolics in Los Angeles, they want to see us”

Gurbani said..”No no, don’t go to that appointment, cancel it -unless you want to go for fun !” I swear on Evan’s life he said this, but I later went to Metabolics anyway. I now had great news to bring home to the family and friends! and I did, however, This good news was short lived, Gurbani was lazy and for this, mis-informed.

I have only seen this behavior from a neurologist at Kaiser.

Later after hospice was well into our lives, Gurbani said in phone calls ..”you will only MASKED the seizures with Drugsā€¦he will have no life” and when he knew of the “Drug cocktail” the hospice was giving, he stated, “he has very little time left” and that is in the “hospice” medical records.

Overall, just like Dr. Mardach (Metabolic specialist), there are no “other” symptoms, at least nothing to show us a SEVERE patient.

The clinical reports from 1993 have shown that Phenobarbital has No Benefit for this metabolic condition, but no one has done any research.

His comment during hospice, “He will have no life” actually has some truth to it, in that with Kaiser’s drugs, the sustained and induced seizures, then the overdose, he ends up correct. Tell that to the other kids and adults that I have pictured in this site and the numerous that do have lives and family that never received this treatment. I never heard from this doctor Ever, even after the hospice doctor asked him to communicate with us, again, this is why they kept Evan in hospice for 19 months – no specialty care, no money spent, just Kaiser taking money from Medicare.