Jay Cordell Horton – The judge or in arbitration they are called NEUTRALs
As you can imagine, with all of this deceit, the Neutral is no exception, retired lawyer, they practice deceit to benefit themselves.
With too much money at stake for the neutral-90K, Judicate West-135K, & the massive amounts of Kaiser lawsuits
available to arbitrate, Kaiser and your state has created the biggest scam against Your civil rights.
Kaiser medical experts main job is to give the neutral some ammo so he can rule against the victim and look favorable toward Kaiser for future cases.
Kaiser MUST approve of the Neutral in Kaiser arbitrations and this is a Very big obstacle. If you pick a neutral, Kaiser must approve, it’s that bad and corrupt.
The neutral was a lawyer, now he see’s to it that he keeps the “cases coming-in” into his hands and his litigation company Judicate West’s several locations.
Lawyers are in charge of your rights, your child’s rights when it comes to medical litigation and most of these judges/neutrals were lawyers looking to sit on their ass
without really working a case like the plaintiff lawyer does – there is nothing for them to lose EXCEPT clients, like this very big one > Kaiser and if Judicate West loses their Kaiser trials it is a very large loss in revenue. Ours case was $135K to Judicate West and Kaiser pays them direct, So take a lawyer mentality and what do you get?
Almost natural collusion with a little law mixed-in to look good.
With Kaiser’s money they not only influence who sits on the California legislature, but Kaiser’s lobbyists (at the Human Health Services) make sure their doctors stay clean no matter how they practice, and this case will show you
how this judge/neutral completely ignored serious Felonies – just like they didn’t exist ! I assume you read the crimes on the CRIME page.
Jay Cordell Horton took 3 months to make his decision on our case, why? He wanted the statute to run-out on Kaiser’s doctors and some did, the Felonies Diane Louise Broome committed.
That would never happen to you or me, but it sure could put a bad taste in the public mouth if Kaiser was shown to be harboring felon doctors-and they are and shown in this site.
This IS how corrupt this system is, and how corrupt these doctors. lawyers, judges, and Kaiser really are.
Jay Cordell Horton took all my work, my discovery, (Dr. Broome destroying our medical records, Perjury, HIPAA breeches, wire fraud, medical fraud and a host of other laws) and used them to negotiate
a settlement with Kaiser so HIS friend, my lawyer Dan Hodes would be paid. Horton took these massive crimes and ignored them, which in turn gave my family and Evan Nothing ! I won my case, but all my work was for not. Horton did Kaiser a great favor by ignoring our laws. Everyone made money but us, no care for Evan. Horton even gave Dr. Richard Dee Brumley a negligence charge so as to “UP” the fees because the costs exceeded MICRA. If this case was in front of a jury, it would’ve been millions in our favor, but since this state drops a lien on every case, the state allows this to continue and the state still makes money, this creates poor healthcare by “giving” Kaiser their own closed judicial system. Doctors continue to practice, and Kaiser has the Medical Board also in their pocket (medical board chapter)This is why they say “Kaiser has left a trail of bodies”
Horton pissed-on medical science and other children (as did Dr. Broome) to feed his own purpose, their vices, and they don’t care.
Jay Cordell Horton (Laguna Beach) is a criminal. He knows how to strike deals with Kaiser, and he did. He overlooked all the felonies, and IF a doctor commits felonies “knowingly”, I am sure you wouldn’t want them touching your child.
Horton, Broome Judicate West, Kaiser, pissed-on the Lab, science, our laws, and all the great doctors and scientists that have worked so hard for others only to feed these selfish needs to continue to negotiate in his courtroom and Judicate West’s locations.
So we have “the Law” breaking the law in a most egregious manner and there is nothing you can do, and this is also why you are reading this today.
Not only can the judicial system not be trusted, the lawyers cannot be trusted even amongst themselves – I will explain;
Neutral Horton ruled against Kaiser some years back. I know this case well, I know the victims and their law firm, but I promised not to disclose this as they did strike an agreement, BUT after I signed with my law firm (Dan Hodes-Irvine) He told me that Horton was sent a letter from Kaiser…
Kaiser told Horton that they would pull any cases away from him and Judicate West if cases were not ruled their favor. This is a Bribe, but Horton’s pocket and his litigation country club Judicate West, need these litigations-the money it just too good, so after 3 months after the trial Horton states that the established 26 minutes Evan was Cyanotic (we see it as Dead) did not harm Evan – his condition did all the damage. This doesn’t even hold an ounce of water clinically, but that is his decision and it’s not up to judicial review, But felonies are, and here is where Horton is a criminal. He reported nothing, so I had to and did, but my purpose was to expose more criminals, and I did and will continue to do so on Kaiser’s behalf.
These egregious felonies makes us more of a victim without justice – I will get justice and they won’t like it.
My lawyer wants to become a neutral also, and he would need the likes of Horton to slip into this cushy retirement plan, so my lawyer was no help in me seeking justice, he threw me under the train, so in writing this and a letter to Horton I exposed his confident letter from Kaiser. This is very dirty going-on’s. Just sad how they put their money and integrity before an infant.
My Lawyer Dan Hodes told me that Jay Cordell Horton didn’t understand the case, I think he very much did, and if he did not, why is he in this position of judgement? Wolves can’t even be trusted amongst themselves, they will sooner than later be stripped of their sheep’s clothing.
Monsters exist all over this story, this sub-human is just one of them.