“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.” -Plato (c. 427 BC – c. 347 BC)
***There are many more “players” involved in this case, these are the early players, several more came in our lives over the 15 years of Evan’s life–All of them seem to be defending one thing, money & power, not one helped with Evan’s health.
Most of these following people tried to bring charges against Evan’s father. They wanted him to go away for their crimes, nobody likes a pro-active parent going against a doctors medical wishes and stealth malpractice. They said he was dangerous because he was very angry about what they did to Evan, they were right about one thing…………………..
It is interesting how Evan’s father is a threat after what he discovered, what they had done, yet if you now understand what Kaiser has done to this baby and family, where is their judgment ? and who is the threat ?
Evan’s father has done nothing to anyone except expose these true to life monsters. Which crime is worse, the exposure or the attempted murder, and How Many Have these Monsters Murdered? I would bet just with the sheer number of members and medicare patients, this practice has occurred thousand times. Where is their judge? Do they not get one? They are protected by big money & Government. It is sad but true, hard to believe, but true. Killing a child is okay as long as no one hears about it.
After these events and our awareness became facts, the harassment started ordered by Kaiser, the private detectives in front of our home and business, the calls and visits by Kaiser to police stating Evan’s father was a threat, their notice to “other” medical facilities about the “possible threat” Evan’s father posed and the multiple attempts of restraining orders to silence the story. What did the police do ? Nothing, there was no threat, only Kaiser defending their stealth euthanizing and now someone who has the proof ! Certainly IF there was a threat, I would be in jail. They used their OWN employees as witness against me in court documents to establish I am a danger. I have no arrest record of any kind, yet now I am a very potential murderer. Of course this is all hyperbole created by Kaiser lawyers, but it is immoral also in the sense, now you have lawyers protecting real murderers.
Now, the fact that 3 Kaiser people flew down from San Francisco to Orange County (this is in court records) to visit the police station in my city and “Try” to file a complaint, is enough to tell you, they were worried about something. The police told them “there was no threat”. Matter of fact, the police told Kaiser that “the Police do not Harass the Citizens they protect”, This is also a very ignorant way achieve due process.
They in fact were seeking some type of harassment from the authorities and the last thing they want is a trial or jury since all this would come out in open court, I would see to that and that is what I was seeking in my few letters to them. They had already broke the law by telling “other” hospitals that I was a threat and this could also hurt Evan’s ability to seek medical care. They actually thought, “who they are” could give them special privileges over what you & I get from law enforcement.
I thought that any doctor would be very concerned about an infant’s life, I was forced to trust them and assumed they were looking out for baby Evan, yet they never explained the condition or the future except for “He had no future”. Later I discovered the other children with the same disease and they were all over the place as far as outcome with several running , jumping, laughing even till today. These kids were either normal or various autistic levels, with few exceptions of severe. By this time Evan was destroyed and Kaiser went on the offense. The stress we endured is not within explanation and I cannot explain what we had to watch while this was going on for months. The time that they abused him was their time, not Evan’s, but we were told he was dying. Now I know, they were putting him down like an animal, THEY HAVE DONE THIS BEFORE, how many times, we may never know. How much science is lost ? We will never know, this is bottom line money to Kaiser, my child is a medical number to them, not a cherished baby, I have the proof right here. The fact is, Kaiser does not care about our baby or what incredible pain & desperation they put us through, they expected death like the babies before Evan and it would all just disappear like the babies before and after Evan, even right now as you read this.
It amazes me that people choose to protect this filth, the defense attorneys, they have first hand accounts of these crimes, yet it is only money, money over a baby’s abuse/death, that is beyond anything horrible.
They never offered an explanation or a treaty. The fact that their doctors were forbidden to talk and were removed from Kaiser permanently is telling enough. They spent tens of thousands to silence me and all for not. They needed to “print” me as dangerous to distract from what they have done and do, who’s dangerous in this story?. I am sure Kaiser replaced these doctors with the same “ethics” that these “tired” doctors have, they have to. Today 2020, Kaiser will open their Own medical school, they will import doctors, get them the required licenses from Kaiser’s own medical board, and own them for their entire lives.
The following people are a part of this destruction. It is called Group Dynamics ; I call it sheep running to slaughter, & here are your sheepherders. There wasn’t an honest reaction from any of them which means they stick together before they help -it is that simple. They were told to lie by Kaiser lawyers because they afraid for their job, funny though, nearly every medical hack involved in this case are not with Kaiser today.
Kaiser has changed the medical statistics by killing off “potentially” expensive patients,
which in turn starts a chain-reaction, less patients, less research, less money, less scientists. It works for them, but only them, an HMO should not exist at all for this reason alone, and the laws to protect them are accepted also by our lawmakers (everyone assumes doctors are doing the RIGHT THING-SOME ARE NOT), until you are harmed, then it becomes very unfair, but you took it for granted that YOUR healthcare providers would take care of you before themselves, They took an Oath, but this is not in their interest, nor is an oath a legal document. When you have doctors that are not researchers, but more like accountants in Kaiser’s sense, they are watching their “bottom line”, expenditures, so they can receive bonuses through-out the year ! This is very true, and in the “Links” tab.
Either we choose to move forward with our ability to learn, or choose cowardice which is the easiest and most profitable. Cowards are a dime a dozen as I have shown you here, but real gifted/honest people are hard to come by and if we do not allow “our gifted” to continue down this road, we are done.
If our laws and those who enforce the law are tied by politics and monitory favor, and they are, what do we do?
Amsterdam, why a lab Amsterdam ? “We don’t do that in the USA”. We have the minds, but we don’t have the interest or the funds. “They” get the well-deserved recognition while we continue to fall behind.
I have great respect for those at the Amsterdam lab, you already read how Kaiser’s doctors disrespected Amsterdam, their so-called colleagues.
What are ethics? “Conforming to accepted professional standards of conduct”, “moral principles, disciplined practices”,”moral duty”. We were deceived, lied to and the wrong drugs were to end his life… No follow up’s or concern for this poor little baby and our family. Broome expected Brumley to do his job and conform to Kaiser’s “ethics” Brumley just threw-out everything WE expect from our healthcare providers, but HIS peers (at Kaiser) expect him to conform. It became a sequel to an already unbearable nightmare – this is too much for a parent to handle, now I have to get others to see it, this is now a lifelong goal, or as kaiser’s lawyers said about Evan’s father, “he is obsessed with this !”
“Yes I am!”, and I will be until I reach justice and every Peer & Neighbor of each doctor, and public official and agency that allows this to happen to innocent babies and families is known, it’s a long list of cowardly “people”.
It’s California after all, corruption at it’s finest.
I had found that Kaiser has their own set of rules and their own standard of care protected by a very unfair arbitration clause, and the California state medical board. It truly is a very low standard of health care supported by more state hacks.
This is why Kaiser has sub standard doctors. Let’s face the facts. If you are an incredible doctor, you won’t be writing scripts for Kaiser and you would know the difference between a hospital and a 2nd world mill.
Kaiser also has produced a health wise book that was distributed to it’s members so you can diagnose your own health problems at home, “don’t come in, help yourself, and above all PAY YOUR MONTHLIES” and if you make a mistake, it is YOUR fault.
Currently (2014) 75% of Americans are living with and dying from more than one chronic condition or multiple chronic conditions (MCC) and using over 66% of the US healthcare resources. Easily over 90% of these patients are not putting back what they are currently taking out, but I think they deserve this care, even though now they will be denied the full care they require. The science is there, but the funding is now diminished with health care reform. Who is one of the big player’s ?… Yes !! You guessed it. Most of these patients will be grossly over medicated, “Take these pills, you will be fine”.
The multiple medications has become one of the “MCC’s” !
We have become uninformed and lazy, we protest without cause and organization, we disagree without solution, Now we kill our own for profit. You see, the medicine has become the poison. I personally have lost any faith & patriotism to any State or Federal agency and I would help anyone that feels the same.
Something you must understand; it was their intention to kill Evan, it was their intention to keep the parents “in the dark” as they have so many times before. It was also their intention to start hospice as early as possible so the parents do not get wise, let the baby die before this was all discovered. This IS their way “in their minds” “mercy killing”, before it possibly gets out of control, and doing this horrible action, they have no idea how much money they save by killing, they only know the expense stops with hospice, it is preventative measure not anything more and it is at the expense of a helpless baby, the family, and the science for the next child.
There is a criminal culture at Kaiser and it has become “everyday business as usual”.
One thing we can be sure of, a liar hates to be told the truth, a thief hates to be robbed and a murderer is afraid of death, this is why Kaiser pays for political/legal affiliations and why Dr’s Broome & Mehren stated Evan will die and brought in Brumley the hospice doctor. They sign their names and turned their backs.
At least when a common criminal points and shoots, you know it’s coming
This is also what we have fought & died for all these decades, to protect ourselves & others from this
This will never end for me and people like me have been created by people at kaiser. Until the evil stops, we must continue to fight and inform, I will do this for you, yours and mine.