Pre-Hospice Assessment
We found this in 2012, Evan was born in 2007. If you read about “the disease” page, this cannot hold any water, nor did they even attempt to finish this document , why ? He should be dead and no one would ever see this document. It was stored away into records, NOT electronic records- they bury their hospice records like they bury their patients. None of this makes sense if you put the next pages together. This document uncovered in 2012 was a willful withholding of pertinent medical information by the doctors from the parents making it impossible for parents to give the baby normal medical care-this violates parental rights and the baby’s rights.
I will explain this line after line; the “red underlining” is the important facts…
No “history & physical” (H&P) “to substantiate a terminal prognosis” -NO DOCUMENTS GIVEN OR RECORDED.
The form asks for confirmation of “less than 6 month prognosis” “in the normal course of the disease” No such medical literature exists pertinent to this disease and kaiser’s “prognosis”, this is why it cannot be produced. “Spoke with” they wrote in “Father” – this did not occur, this document was produced AFTER hospice began.
Line #1 What has the doctor told patient about the illness and what to expect ? “HE WILL DIE”. Broome never mentioned that, she deceived us into hospice and if she said “Evan will die”, that would be opposite to her goal and we would naturally sought outside help and would have found the help if we had the chance. This is a procedure she has developed. In the end Broome did not sign this she knew hospice would ignore this order and hospice would do what they always do, install hospice and Every patient is considered Terminal.
Dr. Monica Mehren , the “second” doctor REQUIRED to sign a Terminal Diagnosis , I never met and she had never seen Evan. I did not know she even existed until I uncovered these documents in 2012 -over 5 years later. She is not a metabolic specialist or a pediatrician , she is hospice and an internist dealing with adults and geriatrics and she IS signed on as THE HOSPICE DOCTOR – she never was though.
Line #2 “Terminal DX” “Hydroxyglutaric Aciduria” No Clinical medical report states a “terminal diagnosis” as a matter of fact this is so wrong because if D2HGA was a “terminal Diagnosis” then ALL CHILDREN THAT HAVE THIS DISEASE WOULD BE DEAD. Is that enough to show this is a euthanization ? Later in court there was not One doctor that knew, or investigated this Terminal prognosis.
The next line is for (for non-cancer diagnosis) the document asks for “Pertinent information requested from REFERRAL SOURCE to substantiate Terminal Prognosis”. Not even the most renown expert in the world can give this answer (and I have this contradiction in court doc’s) Even if Evan had “other symptoms” that were obvious, and he does not, this could never be reached at 3, 4, or 6 months old unless the patient was not thriving. The referral source was in Amsterdam who publishes nearly all D2HGA cases and Kaiser is using them for the diagnosis. They never needed Amsterdam as the referral source because the publications are a “click” away. Dr Mardach knew this in Metabolics, but she was out of this “loop”. Brumley was the “hit man”. Brumley was the “new”hospice doctor. Brumley was “slipped” into hospice after these two monsters made their decision. DROP DOWN THIS DOCUMENT TO “initial plan of care”.
Line #2 “DO NOT RESUSCITATE” – this was their goal-once gone , stay gone.
Line #3 “Patient will have self-determined life closure and die safely & comfortably”, comfortably was the last thing they had in mind-this was a violent and barbaric “induced” torture of an infant and family PERIOD. The hospice doctor had no idea what he was “giving” Evan (or he absolutely did) and the combination of drugs has NO MEDICAL benefit what so ever. This has been shown as Medical proof in “DRUGS” and expert testimonials.
Line #5 Here is where “I” should have signed this document , but I never saw this document as it was buried in “doctor to doctor” communication then sent to a storage unit until 2012 where I uncovered it.
Below the two guilty parties names BROOME AND MEHREN, “prognosis of less than six months providing the disease follows it’s NORMAL COURSE”. Six months AND normal course? This is NOT medically correct in any form. How can the disease follow a normal course when this cannot be determined by the experts? And how could the disease follow a normal course when they are using drugs of NO MEDICAL BENEFIT ? Surely if they continued with their drugs ,that would kill Evan , but using these drugs with a so-called metabolic disorder, these drugs greatly changed Evan’s metabolism. Note: Later, AFTER 19 months in hospice, when they made me sign the hospice discharge document it stated : “prognosis of less than six months providing the disease follows its NORMAL COURSE” “patient is Terminally ill”. Back at the top of the page it states “page 1 of 2”.
Brumley and Mitchell signed the bottom of this most important record-Both Brumley and Mitchell are GP’s, not specialists and they both deal with hospice and Geriatric patients. Read the Michael Mitchell drop down, this is just incredible!
Brumley received Mitchell’s signature (quoting Brumley’s testimony) “Passing in the Halls” Mitchell just signed it, then filed it! No questions, no anything, Mitchell’s “M” started all of this egregious malpractice. Page 2->
“Type 2”, although there is NOW a Type 2, this was a mistake, the author had no idea what she was writing. There is a D and an L form (D2HGA or L2HGA), so this is an uniformed stupid mistake and far too technical for the author of this page to understand-no one on the planet knew of a type 2 until 3 years later. The 2 comes from “L2 or D2”. This, however IS the page to “to substantiate Terminal Prognosis”, but it was never done and it cannot be done. This IS killing without reason, but WHO would EVER see this document buried in storage if Evan had died? I am happy to bring this to you and anyone interested in HOW kaiser kills kids.
Aside from writing a condition that exists nowhere, there is not one box checked to qualify Evan into hospice, and this is why the hospice records are stored in paper form and then destroyed-I am sure there is a trail of bodies stored in this warehouse. Brumley admitted in court he follows Medicare guidelines (in order to receive Medicare money) and they specifically do not allow check boxes, they want a narrative, but this is Kaiser and their 60+ federal lobbyist on the HHS/DOJ board.
So how (without medical qualifications) could Dr. Richard Dee Brumley state; “Evan will die in 2/3 months” ” these kids typically die before 6 months old” he will stop eating, sleep more, then quietly pass away”? Because he has a lot of experience with his drug regime, he kills for a living. Kaiser does not have a Pediatric hospice, nor did anyone consult a specialist. Their own Metabolic specialist couldn’t/wouldn’t sign-on to any of this, and Kaiser won’t pay for outside professional help. Kaiser’s metabolic specialist Mardach quit Kaiser after she found-out. She left to do what she was trained to do, be a medical scientist, not a tool to lower costs
This paper is a very incriminating document for several reasons. We were shocked when we read this, you have medical “Professionals” working to kill an infant, then illegally usurping (replacing) the contracted doctor with another, then burying the document never to be found because (if things worked-out NORMALLY for kaiser) the patient would have died and the family would have moved on as the many have in the past. Not showing WHY the patient is dying would be a plus in most cases, but they didn’t do that, why would they IF this document was never to be seen? Why would they NOT let the parent sign it ? answer : the parent never saw it, and the parent was not meant to see it.
They still filled – out this document for legal purposes, but broke several laws doing so, and you say “how can they do this !?” My best guess is ……They have done this so many times and they never were caught .This document by itself is enough to show, they are hiding something and where they filed this document (away from all eyes) is disgusting and immoral and shows malfeasance. Kaiser’s conduct and our discovery has tormented this family till today, beside the false record keeping of the family’s carrier status in the CRIME tab.
Evan’s medical records ; Gurbani, Mardach, then Broome, that ends Evan’s clinical care at Kaiser, the rest is hospice for 19 months, but in these “before hospice” records he is doing fine.
Dr. Mardach was sidelined and her knowledge base was never associated with Evan’s care , but this IS her field of study Dr. Gurbani was just all over the place as Dr. Broome was in her medical records , but Gurbani had time on his side to write anything to make himself look good, in other words his first assessment was incorrect, then after time had passed he wrote the complete opposite what he told me in his office. Dr. Broome could not use any findings from Mardach because Mardach could not give a prognosis until a year or longer passed, so she got Dr. Monica Mehren and herself to manufacture a prognosis without a scientific reason, then bury the record so no one would see it even after Evan’s expected death/murder. Dr. Mardach would not sign this document and Dr Broome wouldn’t ask her to, she is not a murderer like herself and Mehren. Mehren on this Pre-hospice Assessment, never met her and she never saw Evan and she IS not a Metabolic specialist, Neurologist or any other specialty.
Yes I feel guilty letting a group of hacks with a license destroy my son , but I had to learn all of these things which took time and they were better at deception than I was at medical science.
This chart shows the developing brain, the most important time in an infants life. At this time Dr. Richard Dee Brumley was creating an infant drug addict and creating symptoms that were impossible to endure.